When there is an initiative …

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Glava Tyva Republic the reception of citizens carried out to birthday "United Russia" Party.

In day of the 16 anniversary "United Russia" Party chapter Tyva Republic Sholban Kara-ool by convention carried out a reception of citizens to the Public reception chairman of the party Dmitry Medvedev. Questions of implementation of the priority social projects initiated of "United Russia" Party became a key subject of meetings.

among addressed this day in a reception "United Russia" Party were initiative citizens. The inhabitant Chadan Mongush Galina told about continuation of improvement of the main park planned by citizens. In 2017 according to the Urban environment project the municipality received 3 million rubles which were used on park clearing from garbage, stone blocks laying, installation of lighting, boards.

due to extrabudgetary funds, including collected during national marathons, and also means of enterprise community, a contribution of natives of the area in park created the first elements of Pobedy Avenue, a scene, Manya Hurtu's drum. As the chairman of City administration added Chadan Choygan Mongush, inhabitants actively participated in planting of trees. They are ready in the same format, attracting for each budgetary ruble non-budgetary sources, to finish improvement of city park in 2018, to return it glory of the favourite vacation spot of citizens.

— Such approach when there is an initiative, is actively involved enterprise community, their off-budget money, instead of simply there is a development of public funds — it is necessary to regard as of paramount importance when forming participants of the Urban environment project for 2018 — Sholban Kara-ool emphasized, addressing to the minister of construction Ovsyannikova Eugenie. — You need to provide a competitive spirit of projects of improvement of different municipalities, in number of criteria including to include their aiming at attraction in business projects , labor participation of citizens.

of the Inhabitant of houses on Lopsanchap Street, 37 both 39 Natalya Bryakhina and Shabalina Ludmila told chapter Tyva Republic about the residential district of the city and asked the help in its improvement.

— We try to arrange well the yards, we break flower beds. Every year we participate in competition "the Blossoming Kyzyl". But space at us there huge, not well-groomed. And only enthusiasm not to overcome it. Whether it is possible to address for support?

of the Inhabitant told that held meeting, agreed to participate in the program, bypassed then all residents, with them coordinated that will provide two-percent joint financing of installation of nurseries and sports grounds that got a response from neighbors, but also complained that businessmen not actively respond to an appeal to participate in improvement, to break flower beds.

— Alas, it is impossible to convince them that it is necessary to create together beauty — Natalya Bryakhina noted. — Only wave away.

Sholban Kara-ool addressed to chapter Kyzyl to Dina Oyun and to the mayor Wladyslaw Khovalyg with the requirement always to listen to initiatives of citizens and with enterprise community to assume work.

— the City power it is much simpler to

to interact with businessmen concerning improvement within standard and legal base which you have — it and requirements to facades, and obligation of implementation of rules of improvement. Do not shift it to shoulders of citizens. Try to help with it to people — noted chapter Tyva Republic and addressed to activists. — However, and you have to create vision of your domestic territories completely after all. To have, at least, the drawing. And in it it has to be reflected that residents that — the same businessmen assume, and on what means budgets will go.

On reception brought also up questions of culture, amateur theaters, social protection.

we Will remind

that "United Russia" Party carries out a reception of citizens to the birthday since 2013. And the format of this event extends from year to year. Instead of one day receptions go some days, to usual platforms of receptions — in regional and local public receptions — are added additional which number becomes every year more.

more than 316 thousand citizens from which concrete practical help was given 57,4 percent) So if last year 22475 platforms of reception (were open following the results of were accepted, this year is opened 27234 platforms. And in the first two days of receptions which this time pass from November 27 to December 3, about 54 thousand people there addressed.

For the past years the Party became the largest political force of the country possessing the most extensive network of regional offices and local party cells. Today in "United Russia" Party nearly 2,3 million people consist, she is supported by about 900 thousand supporters. In party more than 82,6 thousand primary and 2,5 thousand local offices are.

In May, 2007 the presidium of the General council of party approved by

open procedure of preliminary selection candidates from "United Russia" Party for the subsequent promotion by their candidates for elective offices. In 2009 the norm about obligation of carrying out a straw vote was enshrined and in the Charter.

Norbu Chayana

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Wladyslaw Khovalyg
Last position: Head-chairman (Government of the Tyva Republic)
Dina Oyun
Last position: Senator from legislative (representative) public authority of the Republic of Tyva (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Sholban Kara-ool
Main activity:Politician
Choygan Mongush
Main activity:Official
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
City administration
Government Agency