To the Finnish Father Frost in China it is difficult
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Joulupukki © information agency "RIA Novosti", Nekhoroshkina Irina

of Youni which went to China to work as Joulupukki (the Finnish Father Frost — a comment perev. ) , spends much time on service. To its surprise, it appeared that Joulupukki especially strongly interests adults.

Last winter the 26-year-old Finn Youni Ekstrem (Jouni Ekström) from Vihti (the Finnish community in the south Finland — a comment perev. ) found quite unusual vacancy. After its firm went bankrupt, it was quite heavy to find work. Youni decided to risk and agreed on the unusual offer — to go to work as Joulupukki to China.

of Youni received a position and some months Joulupukki in the most northern district China — Mokhe works.

very active preparation for Christmas In recent weeks began

. In Joulupukki's house daily happens on hundred people, and than visitors becomes more increasing.

the Most part of guests of Joulupukki, according to Youni — Chinese. And adult.

"There come very few children. The lion's share of visitors — aged from 20 till 40 years. If there come children, I pay to them especially much attention. In a box of my desktop there are small Christmas-tree decorations which I distribute to children. I write down their desires in the big book — in the Finnish language, of course, that more nobody understood. Still I ordered from Finland candies, but them yet did not deliver".

the Problem of a language barrier we solve by means of translation programs

Monday at Youni — output, but it yet did not use the right of rest this day. Joulupukki's house works daily.

"After all then will turn out that somebody will arrive and will not see Joulupukki, and it is no good! I very much like my workplace, and to work seven days in a week for me not a problem".

of Youni says that the language barrier is, but to overcome it — not a problem. His Chinese colleagues quickly mastered the Finnish language. Youni's Finnish predecessors taught local to some words.

"At least, our cook very quickly understood that I asked "two eggs" for breakfast, and even thanked me for order in Finnish! "


of Youni and itself teaches Chinese, but considers that before well to speak language, to it it is still far.

"My some colleagues on phone have an appendix translator by means of which we sometimes stir. Fortunately, many guests are able to speak English, and it is possible to chat with them, with some — even till some hours. You learn everything about their domestic pets and so on. Some guests come not once so it is possible to ask, how are their favourites".

Elderly Chinese women — as teenagers

as a whole can tell

that Joulupukki's work seems to Youni quite exotic.

"Here occurs much only. The most part of my exotic adventures begins with knock of the translator at a door and shout: "Mr. Youni! It is time for us! "


Grant, the marathon of Love Running on which Youni came to support participants was the event most memorable at present. About 100 couples from the different ends China ran a quarter marathon.

"Together with other characters mascots I waved

to participants, with us were photographed. Once I took part in advertizing for wedding fair. Her organizers wanted that the ambassador of love and friendship, Joulupukki, told a couple of words on a chamber. Offers should be told on Chinese, but me, to the Finn, they were given hardly. I tried to say them in English, but there was a problem with the Chinese namings. As a result I read the speech in Finnish. And decided to leave".

generally, Youni is pleasant his work. However, there are also unsuccessful moments.

"It is heaviest to

to work with those guests who are not interested not so. Usually they come as a part of big tourist groups. In such cases I always think why they went to this trip against the will. Fortunately, it is not enough of them".

Other group with which it is quite heavy to work — group of the Chinese ladies aged.
"They behave as crowd of teenagers. Run and scurry about to and fro, pull Joulupukki in different directions. It exhausts. And even it is dangerous! And, certainly, every day there is at least one such group".

Joulupukki's Homeland Chinese know

One of Youni's tasks — to make the Finnish Joulupukki and Finland better known. whether

A are known by Chinese, what Joulupukki arrived from Finland?

"Usually those who knows about Joulupukki though a little, it is aware that it a sort from Finland. However, many ask, whether from Russian Federation I. Then I playfully grumble and I say that I from Finland".

of Youni tells guests that before arriving to China, it graduated from "Joulupukki's Academy" with honors.

"Here all think that to Finland there is such university, Joulupukki — and not one, there is a lot of them. Tourists like to discuss mine education, some even think that I studied somewhere like Hogvarts. Then I carefully ask: and what, Harry Potter — it after all not an invention? "

generally, Youni is pleasant his fall in China. He did not manage to miss the house strongly because almost every day speaks with any friend or the relative.

"The loneliness disturbs

less if it is possible to spend time with the friend".

of Youni even the beginnings like the Chinese food.

"However, I already decided that I will order at the Finnish restaurant Nummelan AutoGrilli when I will arrive to Vihti! So say hello to them there! "