"From GOKA it is no more than problems, than from cement works": RMK met ecoactivists

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the Position of RMK three representatives of companies
sounded at once

on December 1 in Chelyabinsk passed the first meeting of the working group on the project of Tominsky GOKA. At one table ecological activists, public men, representatives of supervising departments and the Russian copper company gathered. It was expected that a meeting will devote to studying of the risks connected with air pollution, however, as representatives of movement "GOK Stop" declared, unexpectedly for them in the agenda included speech of employees of RMK with the detailed story about the project of combine and benefit which it can bring to inhabitants of the region. Did not do without shouts and a demarche.

the Meeting stretched at three and a half o'clock. After long discussions public men asked to refuse building of object, and general director Tominsky GOKA Ulanovsky Valery compared harm of ecology from combine to consequences for the nature from activity of cement works. Industrialists told, how many will land trees and what companies for the sake of minimization of harm to environment refused.

Disputes between participants began

literally from first minute of meeting. The representative of movement "GOK Stop" Kazantsev Vladimir refused to listen to employees of RMK and demanded to pledge the word to the colleague Gurevich Yakov at whom the report on air pollution was prepared.

— We do not want to listen 40 minutes to reports of the Russian copper company, this advertizing — activists shouted since the different ends of a hall.

40 minutes Argued. As a result representatives "GOKA Stop" left a hall and asked to invite them when employees of RMK will finish the performance.

of the Party half an hour discussed the agenda

— Us nobly called selling skins — smiling, summarized a result of prolonged dispute with ecological activists when those left in a corridor, the vice-president for legal questions, the corporate relations and special projects of the Russian copper company Medvedev Oleg.

the Floor was taken by the director of management of ecology, labor protection and industrial safety RMK Gonchar Natalia who suggested to listen once again "that such to GOK, instead of myths about it".

— the GOK obtained the license for development of a field. As a part of combine there will be two pits: Tominsky and Kalinin, dumps of overburden breed, concentrating factory and a pond store instead of the tailings dam — reminded Gonchar Natalia. — Hydrometallurgy will not be as it was planned. What reagents will use at ore enrichment? What widely proved, ecologically safe.

by words Gonchar Natalia, the main sources of pollution from GOKA — are a dust from explosive works, drilling of wells, loading works.

— All sources of emissions will take cover, will install modern highly effective filters, a dust will return on production — the representative of companies told. — Besides, at all our enterprises technology zero dumping of water is used. Water it is necessary much therefore we appreciate it, we collect and we return in a turn.

After completion of work of GOKA the territory promise to restore and return to a turn.

— One of the main conditions which faces us, is compensation planting of trees of coniferous and deciduous breeds — 6600 trees on one hectare. And we already now start leaving with such initiative. This year planted 66 trees. It not only strategy of Tominsky GOKA — is RMK strategy. One tree is cut down — two is put.

the Director of management of ecology added that the assessment of all documentation was carried out, 600 volumes were studied.

— We passed examinations and received the construction license. The Ural Mining University in details checked everything. Recommended to refuse hydrometallurgy — and RMK refused. Sulfuric acid on GOKE will not be — declared Gonchar Natalia. — As to Chelyabinsk region there is the burning issue with Korkinsky coal mine which needs to be solved in the shortest terms, scientists recommended to us to consider possibility of a laying of tails in a section. RMK heard the recommendation. We addressed in the St. Petersburg Mining University where we were told: "Yes, it is possible, ecologically safe". Therefore the tailings dam will not be.

At Tominsky GOKA determined a sanitary protection zone to which Tomino's village got. The plan for resettlement is already agreed with administration of the area.

— No gardens there are present. In Non-commercial horticultural association "Dubrovsky" air will not be polluted — the representative of companies assured.

of B PMK declared that at resettlement use an individual approach. In total in the village of 97 structures, from them 36 uninhabited. It is required to settle 58 houses in which there live 136 people. On the average the Russian copper company pays 1,5 million rubles for the house.

— Offended or unsatisfied with repayment is not present — noted in RMK. — And if over time the security zone is changed, objects which will get to it, also will be redeemed.

Speech of representatives of the Russian copper company was beyond temporary regulations. Activists of "GOKA Feet" returned to a hall, but 15 more minutes asked to wait for them.

the Microphone were included by the vice-president for legal questions, the corporate relations and special projects of the Russian copper company Medvedev Oleg. Once again he told about what benefits the enterprise not only will bring to inhabitants and economy Chelyabinsk region, but also other regions.

— Will create 2500 workplaces. Average salary — 40 thousand rubles. It will give chance of worthy and provided life — Medvedev Oleg considers. — JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TOMINSKY MINING AND PROCESSING PLANT" becomes the taxpayer second for the importance to Chelyabinsk region after MMK.<"73>" to

— We here were going to listen to advertizing RMK? — again ecological activists were indignant. — Pledge already to us the word.

the Turn reached "GOKA Feet" after speeches of representatives of regional government Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare and the ecology ministries.

After the next skirmish Sushkov Sergei, recently appointed to a position of the deputy governor Chelyabinsk region. "GOK stop" reacted an applause.

the First Gurevich Yakov


Speech of the first speaker of ecoactivists Gurevich Yakov abounded with figures. It reminded that against GOKA construction in Chelyabinsk 167 thousand signatures that is a record for Russian Federation were collected.

the arguments it supported with figures

— Ecological capacity Chelyabinsk is settled. And even Vladimir Putin paid attention to air. Told that it "not really". Pollution level very high, menacing to life — is considered by Gurevich Yakov.

It provided data on emissions. Noted that besides the enterprises the share is contributed by transport, and lack of cleaning of city streets worsens a situation. For the sake of preservation of ecology Gurevich Yakov urged to refuse not only GOKA construction, but also an automobile outcome which plan to build to Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit and BRICS.

— It will be at the level of the fifth floor, will create additional emissions, will lower a produvayemost, why the zone of defeat by a dust will increase — the expert warned.

Money, the outcomes provided on construction, it suggested to transfer to ecological programs. And on a platform of GOKA to suspend all works before obtaining the positive conclusions of all examinations.

the Head of regional government Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resource Kuryatnikov Vitaly noticed that the system of administration of safety air is not perfect.

Kuryatnikov Vitaly suggested to reconsider system of administration of safety air

— the object Is started, and the sanitary protection zone by means of measurements and supervision within a year then is established. It is necessary to consider this situation in a narrow circle — the head of department offered. — However, it is long history.

In turn Knyazeva Svetlana, presented by the professional designer and the independent expert, categorically declared that anyway the project has no right for life.

— Under the law cannot be engaged in production of a subsoil in suburbs and in the green space, near water parameters. Not all objects of GOKA passed state examination because the project shattered into parts — she reasoned. — The GOK is not provided with technical water in necessary volume. The fence of water will be from North Sheinskogo of a site to the detriment of inhabitants who drink from it. To forbid development of copper and porphyritic ores. To withdraw licenses.

Activists of movement with reference to an official source declared that the chemical dust from the enterprise will go to Chelyabinsk as 55% of winds go on the city from this direction. In their opinion, a situation will worsen also cutting down of three hectares of the woods.

— 2400 hectares of the wood — 4% of the woods Sosnovsky district. The GOK is in 25 kilometers to the center Chelyabinsk. The problem from it is no more, than from the cement enterprise — general director Tominsky GOKA Ulanovsky Valery parried.

the General director GOKA considers charges of activists unreasonable


On what representatives of "STOPGOK" declared that today's meeting — production.

To a problem of air pollution decided to return at the following meeting. Chelyabinsk region questions from activists of social movements and all interested plan to hold similar meetings with frequency in two-three weeks, in process of receipt in Civic chamber.

we Will remind

, on November 9 during the Russian-Kazakhstan forum in Chelyabinsk activists of movement "GOK Stop" carried out single pickets on 14 points along a guest route. At 15 o'clock, just before arrival in the city of presidents of two countries, all public men standing with posters, security officers detained. Moskovets Vasilii as one of leaders of movement till late evening pulled out adherents from police departments.

About midnight when the activist only came home, to it on the mobile the call was distributed to

, and the operator reported that connects to Vladimir Putin. The president told that knows about a problem of "GOKA Feet", declared need of carrying out uniform complex environmental assessment of the project and really open public hearings. Moskovets Vasilii asked to promote in the solution of questions with police. The head of state promised to give command, "that people left alone".

As conversation with the president on a dictophone and what followed reaction to a call of the first person of the state, Moskovets Vasilii was succeeded to write down

told in interview 74.ru .

on November 13 the governor Boris Dubrovsky held a meeting with the leader of movement "GOK Stop". Ministers of ecology and construction, the management of the Russian copper company, public men also took part in it. 74.ru carried out the online reporting from the residence of the head of the region .

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Valery Mikhaylovich Ulanovsky
Sergei Sushkov
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Chelyabinsk region)
Vitaly Kuryatnikov
Last position: Head (Department of the Federal Service of the Natural Resources Supervision of the Chelyabinsk region)