You one such darling, native!
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In all languages this sacred word sounds equally gently and tenderly, light-and is considerable: On - Russian — mother, the mother. In Ukrainian — nenka. On the Kyrgyz — apa. On — Georgian — deda. On Ossetian — Nana.

How many heat conceals the magic word by which call the closest, dear only person. Mother watches our vital road. The maternal love heats us to extreme old age. No, probably, any country where day of Mother was not celebrated. To Russian Federation this holiday began to celebrate rather recently. President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin "About Day of Mother" on January 30, 1998, it is celebrated last Sunday of November.

On Sunday November 26 in settlement Recreation center Big Murta organized a fine concert which you were called "One such darling, native! ". In the foyer of Recreation center exhibition was issued, and all guests were welcomed by girls in suits of angels which handed over greeting cards. Both the theater begins with a hanger, and the concert begins with his leaders. Children of different age, young and old, perfectly coped with the task. All Mothers without exception received this day sincere congratulations from a scene from 6 leaders: Vartanova Iana, Goreev Aleksey, Tisko Eugenia, Markov Wladyslaw, Gornikov Ulyan, Merck Vladimir.

of Halls it was full, the sounded verses, songs were got by huge respect and appreciation. Each word proceeded from lips of actors in all sincerity, with the best regards. Each dance was filled with kindness and love. The creative congratulations to the most beloved mothers were given by participants of amateur performances of Recreation center and pupils of Children's school of arts.

MKU TO "Bolshemurtinsky House of creativity" which with huge enthusiasm read the verses prepared specially by this holiday Wants to note the literary picture of children of school of development.

the Main thing and exciting event of a holiday became rewarding with diplomas and delivery of mementoes to mothers, become winners of the first regional competition "Her Majesty Mama". The contest committee considered 14 petitions for participation in competitions, expertize of the presented materials is carried out and 7 winners, in 5 nominations are defined. For rewarding leaders invited to a scene of the deputy of chapter of Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district Grits Svetlana who congratulated all mothers on a holiday and declared names of winners, namely:

  • "Happiness having many children" — the winner Yaichnikova Marina ;
  • "Foster home" — winners Redko Larissa , Yermicheva Natalia ;
  • "Independent mother" — the winner Kasyanova Valentina ;
  • "Courage to live" — winners Kazantseva Tatyana , Surovtseva Irina ;
  • "My work — the happy house" — the winner Maltseva Tatyana .

On this fine note, with wishes of health, light hopes, pride of the children, vital forces, wellbeing and huge female happiness the concert came to an end. There is a wish to congratulate once again winners of regional competition and to thank all for such fine concert.


Vartanova Iana
Goreev Aleksey
Tisko Eugenia
Markov Wladyslaw
Culture center