"Wanted to sell "Leningrad" to the people, but did not think up, why to me it is so much money". Sergei Shnurov arrived to Minsk on opening of own exhibitions (22 photos)

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""Leningrad" wanted to sell
to the people, but did not think up, why to me it is so much money". Sergei Shnurov arrived to Minsk on opening of own exhibitions
the Author: Chernukho Alexander. Photo: Tarnalitsky Maxime
"Wanted to sell "Leningrad" to the people, but did not think up, why to me it is so much money". Sergei Shnurov arrived to Minsk on opening of own exhibitions

V Minsk brought exhibition Sergei Shnurov. Yes, it not the namesake, it he also is. In a solemn occasion the leader of Leningrad group on the eve of a concert arrived to the Belarusian capital and arranged a half-hour meeting with journalists which resembled competition on the most beautiful selfi with a star more.

the Exhibition "The brendrealizm retrospective" took place on two floors of the National center of the modern arts: here it is possible to see a carpet with Zemfira's image, Mikhaylov Stanislas within composition "Iconostasis" and are a lot of other witty subjects of the modern art. In showroom of Sergei Shnurov znakomets — the Belarusian artist Tsesler Vladimir waits. On the eve of a meeting it considers the exposed works near other visitors closed otkrytiya.

Shnura meet noisy exclamations through which in general it is very difficult to hear something. The public calms down when Sergei Shnurov starts speaking. First of all it extols organizers who allowed it to smoke indoors.

of Missile defense money and art

— I am the smoking conductor around the world. I fight for the rights of smokers — the actor explains. It ask about secondariness of works and try to compare to Uorkholl Andy. Sergei Shnurov Uorkholl Andy screws up the face and let in vast reasonings on an art and personality essence in nem.

— was the true artist, and I play the artist. It is such role model. It too had a lot of game, but he made itself(himself) by a brand. And I bother on any x. not, and it turns into a work of art.

Further the speech comes about formulations and their legitimacy.

— Why a brendrealizm? Same sotsart!


— This name quite conditional — answers Sergei Shnurov. — It is stronger than , than a simulacrum at Bodriyyar. The brand won against a simulacrum, it is a simulacrum simulacrum. Virtuality wins against reality. after all too it is possible to call Leonardo di ser Pyero da Vinchi

Minsk Sergei Shnurov awards

Minsk — Sergei Shnurov reports. Tsesler Vladimir praises and calls the teacher. Tsesler Vladimir otnekivayetsya.

I after that conversation comes to the most important subject — money, certainly. Here Sergei Shnurov sparkles with wit. It ask about the cost of pictures — he answers.

— I am a person situational, that is drinking. Therefore the price of pictures varies.

— each brand has a cost. How much is brand "Sergey Shnurov"?

— I do not know... For this purpose it is necessary to throw out actions on the market. I had an idea to sell Leningrad group actions to the people about five years ago, but did not think up what to do with such quantity of money.

Voobshche any concert of "Leningrad" — is performance. Now I understand that it is most expensive performance to Russian Federation.

About a family and subconsciousness

Sergei Shnurov torment with questions of the wife Mathilde. He would present the pier, what picture to it. Sergei Shnurov jokes. Or speaks seriously.

Bought Mathilde a brooch (Tsesler Vladimir nod aside. — Comment. Onliner.by), it carries and is happy. I give to Mathilde all the life. What I still have to it?

At this moment of the Cord try to expose and you ask a question in lob.

— They say that it at you only an image of the hooligan, and actually the exemplary family man...

— I think that hardly this suit will suit me. I am the bad family man. I have hellbenders. Look... Here my cat that sleeps, goes. Here it sleeping? Or going?

Now from Sergei Shnurov Apple iPhone demand to get

and to show the picture on prompt.

— There any x. nya. Her friend delivered to me which bought this phone.

— As you think, it somehow influences your subconsciousness and creation of own pictures?

— I do not believe in subconsciousness. Here you every day on x. look. And how? In subconsciousness it is postponed?

And again about art

Sergei Shnurov are received by a question about the Belarusian artist Vashkevich Ruslan, one of which works it recently priobrel.

— Yes, I bought this work. It was pleasant, and bought. To make the similar transaction, money are necessary. Awe here nakh. it is not necessary.

— And what about relationship of the artist and alcohol? It helps you to create the works?

— I have relationship with alcohol the quiet. They friendly. As it appeared, alcoholic dependence — is the myth in my case. There is a wish to drink — drank.


is closer to the final of action and, respectively, in painful expectation selfi with a star the public turns to philosophical questions. Also receives on them not less philosophical answers.


— In our world remained though something real?

— Intelligence — piece artificial. No natural intelligence exists. That is anything original is not present, all of us time fail in any simulacrum — the main exhibit answers Sergei Shnurov and zakurivayet.

— And who on yours to exhibition?

— the Main exhibit — is the viewer. The campaign in the museum — is desakralizovanny ritual practice. I see it as social ritual, artificial. Searches in the museum, tremblings of feelings — me all this is ridiculous. There is a girl and peers into sea landscapes or meditates on Repin. Not ridiculously unless?

— your favourite brand?

— the Favourite brand — people of Earth. Humanity, humanity. It too brands, certainly.

I again Sergei Shnurov want to expose.

— Here you say that campaigns in the museums — it is ridiculous. And why go?

— Who told you, what I go to the museums? I go to look at these girls, all most interesting occurs in them. Was recently in the museum Vatican City. The coolest exhibit there — multinational making a din crowd.

Further the public breaks from the places and a whirlwind flies to Sergei Shnurov to be photographed. The main exhibit smiles broadly.

Sticks for selfi in the Onliner.by

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Author: Chernukho Alexander. Photo: Tarnalitsky Maxime