"The best legal team Tyva Republic - 2017" works in GO and emergency Agency

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"The best legal team of the Republic of Tuva - 2017" works in GO and emergency Agency

On the eve of Day of the lawyer is held by professional skill among lawyers of the republic "The best legal team Tyva Republic - 2017", Association lawyers Russia in Tyva Republic and LLC "Konsultant-Tuva".

ten teams participated In a legal duel: JSC Tyvasvyazyinform, Services GO and Emergency <10> of the Republic of Tyva , Ministry Tyva Republic for justice , Managements Administration office ministry justices Russian Federation on Tyva Republic, Tes-Khemsky district district court Tyva Republic, Ulug-Khemsky district district court Tyva Republic, Erzin district district court Tyva Republic, Federal Registration Service Managements Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Tyva Republic, Notarial chamber and Department of federal bailiff service on Tyva Republic.

it is traditional, old residents competitions PAO "Tyvasvyazyinform" teams JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TYVASVYAZYINFORM", Managements of Ministry of Justice and Ministry Tyva Republic for justice , taking part in competition since 2013, showed high professional level.

Need to note that annually taking into account experience of last years, a condition and competition tasks become complicated. So, in 2017 there were new headings for example: "the ecological right" which tasks included knowledge of the contents the Kyoto protocols, the Parisian agreement and the Montreal protocol.

"The best legal team of the Republic of Tuva - 2017" works in GO and emergency Agency One of the main objectives competitions – knowledge of short stories of the legislation. In this connection, in the current year the number of tasks included the section "legislation of 2017". Many participants admitted that learned for itself a lot of new, for example, that the term of civil law "superfition" means.

LLC "Konsultant-Tuva" were pleased by brilliant answers to section questions "Union of Right Forces ConsultantPlus".

In hard fight and an honest duel winners became: The I place – GO and emergency, II Agency team a place was divided by teams Ulug-Khemsky district district court Tyva Republic and Managements of Ministry of Justice P and the III place – the Tyvasvyazyinforma team.

At the same time participants of all teams and as volunteers competitions - students of law department of TGU, grew in new professional experience, got acquainted with legal services of various activities and were loaded with a new creative impulse for further professional growth.