Doors of Federal Antimonopoly Service are always open for school and university students

@FAS Rossii
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Federal Antimonopoly Service continues practice of professional orientation excursions for school and university students, without forgetting about holding Open Day annually expected by students.

November was rich in meetings in Federal Antimonopoly Service with school and university students and fruitful on different types of work with youth.

. On a visit the seniors of the Moscow schools who are already asking questions visited: "Whom to be? " and "Where to go to study", "Where then I will be able to apply the gained knowledge"?

"A problem of professional orientation excursion in Federal Antimonopoly Service we see

not only opportunity to acquaint teenagers with activity of the executive authority which is responsible for protection and development to the competition in the country, but also to show department work from within, to tell, what problems are solved by his employees of different professions as well as why these or those decisions are accepted in antimonopoly authority, on what they are directed, and that it gives to our citizens and the country as a whole", - the head of department of public relations Irina Kashunina declared.

Having received idea of antimonopoly service and its powers, children with pleasure participate in the offered master classes on understanding of laws of the fair competition.

For future economists, financiers, lawyers and managers in November Federal Antimonopoly Service organized actions of different formats. For economists – first-year students of RUDN, ROSSIYSKIY UNIVERSITY FRIENDSHIP OF PEOPLE, FGAOU IN RUDN, FGAOU IN "ROSSIYSKY UNIVERSITY DRUZHBY NARODOV" and pupils of financial college No. 35 Moscow there took place fact-finding excursion about Federal Antimonopoly Service. Before students the deputy head Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrey Tsyganov made the bright story about last progress, the real achievements and the conceived plans of antimonopoly authority.

Any excursion for students does not take place

without speech of representatives of Management of public service with the invitation to practice in Federal Antimonopoly Service. Staff of Management in detail tells how on it it is possible to get, what new knowledge and experience can be got during its passing.

For students and undergraduates of more older years which are on the threshold of the professional way, Management of public service in November organized a traditional annual Open Day. Students and undergraduates of leading Moscow higher education institutions came to a meeting with the management and the staff of different managements of department: Kutafina, MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA (MGIMO MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS RUSSIA), Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University, Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki", FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA", REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATION NAMED AFTER G. V. PLEKHANOVA.


With welcome speech guests were addressed by the deputy head Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrey Tsyganov. Its story about activity of antimonopoly authority showed versatility of powers of service and a wide range of tasks facing it. On striking examples from practice Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrey Tsyganov showed law-enforcement practice of department, showed socially significant victories of service, shined large-scale international activity Federal Antimonopoly Service and, in summary, invited each of present at the future to try on on itself a rank of the anti-monopolist.

"Federal Antimonopoly Service, is the large, slozhnoustroyenny organization. Being control and supervising department, we watch that, how strictly and fully, observe the system of a ban installed by the legislation Russian Federation, authorities and the commercial organizations", - the deputy head noted Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Impression of bright performance of the deputy head of Federal Antimonopoly Service were strengthened by representatives of structural divisions of service: the head of department of Management of regional tariff regulation Belookaya Elvire, all about such important activity of Federal Antimonopoly Service as fight against cartels was explained by the deputy head of department on fight against cartels Khamukov Mukhamed, and the report on purchases in defense industry complex the head of department made controls the state defensive orders Alexander Pudov.

of All participants of action the Communications Department on behalf of department invited to try the hand in intellectual competition the essay "Growth Point" for students and undergraduates which already for the third time carries out Federal Antimonopoly Service. Participation in competition gives the chance to declare the civic stand, and the victory - to do practical training in antimonopoly department and to get additional experience and knowledge of antimonopoly regulation.

"Work with youth for Federal Antimonopoly Service was and remains not only preparation of young shots, but also strategically important component of prevention of violation antitrust laws in the future that is an integral part of reforms control and supervising activity of antimonopoly authorities. Work with the country future, participants of the market or the staff of supervisory authorities, it is sure, anyway will bear the positive fruits", - declared to the deputy head Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrey Tsyganov.