Activists are revolted with inaction of municipal officials

@Orenburgskie novosti
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Activists of regional office All-Russia People's Front to Orenburg region are revolted with inaction of municipalities on addresses of public men within the project of All-Russia People's Front "Clear-out". Experts of All-Russia People's Front note that following the results of the first year of implementation of this project of the Popular front many municipalities did not react or gave vague answers to the arrived addresses.

"For example, the administration Orsk could not answer precisely to us when the remains of the demolished houses on streets Kotovsk, 18, and Gorky, 7A will be taken out in the spring. Because houses were settled and demolished long ago, and the garbage long time lay, we were compelled to address in prosecutor's office who carried out an inspection and revealed in actions of officials of violation of several federal laws. Following the results of check representation was brought. Dumps are partially cleaned", – the coordinator of the project of All-Russia People's Front "Clear-out" to Orenburg region Gusev Alexander told.

Also the expert of the Popular front noted that the administration of the Kuvandyksky city district did not react in any way to the address of All-Russia People's Front about a dump in Tlyavgulovo's village then public men addressed in prosecutor's office. Literally in some days the answer was sent to All-Russia People's Front from administration of the district from which it is absolutely unclear, the dump will be cleaned or not.

Municipal entity city administration of Mednogorsk city too ignored the address of All-Russia People's Front about a garbage dump on Federativnaya Street. Prosecutor's office carried out an inspection and confirmed the facts stated by public men, on its results to chapter Mednogorsk representation is brought.

Administration of Buzuluk on the address of All-Russia People's Front with a request to take measures for cleaning of the river bank of Domashk on June 20 sent the answer in which it is reported that in connection with adverse weather conditions the special equipment entrance to a dump of garbage is complicated.

"Us assured that as soon as there will come favorable conditions, works on cleaning of the coast will be performed. Unfortunately, local authorities or forgot about the promises, or favorable weather conditions in this city did not come – today we know that no works on cleaning of garbage were performed. Now we addressed prosecutor's office", – Gusev Alexander noted.

According to him, both regional, and to local authorities it is necessary to analyse carefully this information and to consider remarks of public men and supervisory authorities in order that in 2018 of similar situations did not arise.

"In 10 months residents of Orenburg added

on the card of 130 addresses about unauthorized dumps. The main problems are spontaneous navaly garbage in the forest belts, not taken out garbage after demolition of the settled emergency houses, dumps in garden noncommercial associations and on lands of agricultural appointment. Nearly a half of the arrived signals is fulfilled – dumps are liquidated. The second half of addresses is in work – according to them letters are sent to local governments with a request for their elimination. And the quicker officials will react to requests of fellow countrymen, the it will be better for all of us living to Orenburg region", – Gusev Alexander summed up.