Mednogorsk Orenburg region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of MednogorskBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of Mednogorsk7/6/2021Denise PaslerA dump in Mednogorsk – one of six who we liquidate until the end of 2024 according to the Ecology national project. Similar works it is carried out in Berdyank and Samorodovo's settlements, in villages the Ancient settlement and Krasnokholm the cities of Orenburg and in Novotroitsk7/20/2023Denise PaslerBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of MednogorskBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of Mednogorsk7/6/2021Denise PaslerA dump in Mednogorsk – one of six who we liquidate until the end of 2024 according to the Ecology national project. Similar works it is carried out in Berdyank and Samorodovo's settlements, in villages the Ancient settlement and Krasnokholm the cities of Orenburg and in Novotroitsk7/20/2023Denise PaslerBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of MednogorskBut to relax early. The strong wind can cardinally change everything. Fire extinguishing proceeds. The most important that there are no threats for inhabitants of Mednogorsk7/6/2021Denise Pasler12151Region News+25 last weekHead of the municipality since 2019Andrey Nizhegorodov0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2019Andrey Nizhegorodov92years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19333:57:44 AMGMT+556RUS735379Dialing code202Connections+50 last weekPopulation25 932NewsConnections Tree
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