Mass media: to Nigeria at explosion in a mosque 50 people were lost

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Iraan Eşfahān Š ahhi e. Jaame' Abbasi e. Imaami mo š ee
of a photo illustrative Foto : Jaan Mettik

the Terrorist - the suicide bomber made attack in one of mosques Nigeria during a morning prayer, as a result of explosion not less than 50 people were lost. About it reports information agency "Associated Press" .

the Representative of police Othman Abubakar declared

to agency that the exact number of dead and injured still is not established as them took to some different hospitals.

" I am grieved by very cruel and mean attack of the suicide bomber in a mosque in Mubi today. I express condolences to families of victims, and also the government and the people of staff Region of Adamawa. Let souls of the dead be based in the world" — the president wrote in the twitter Nigeria Mokhammadu Bukhari.


Earlier it was reported that as a result of attack of suicide bombers to Nigeria 27 people were lost.