In Luxembourg celebrated the 60 anniversary of start of the first artificial satellite of Earth

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In Luxembourg there passed a series of the actions devoted to the 60 anniversary of start of the first artificial satellite of Earth. To celebrate this important date anniversary of the beginning of a space age on a platform of RTsNK exhibition %23Sputnik60, prepared by a goskoproration "Federal Space Agency" was developed.

For participation in the thematic actions devoted to anniversary, to Luxembourg there arrived representative delegation of <0> Roskosmos " as a part of the executive director on preparation of piloted programs Krikalev Sergei, the executive director on communications Burenkov Igor and the adviser for communications Urmantseva Iana.

the Program of anniversary actions began

with delegation visit the Russian school of additional educations "Kalinka" where the astronaut was waited by a packed house contained about 200 and school students and their parents. Krikalev Sergei in which asset of 6 space flights lasting more than 800 days, told young Russian-speaking luxembourgers about a profession of the astronaut, and then answered numerous questions of school students. He, in particular, noted that to become the astronaut it is necessary to know Russian well. After performance to the astronaut the long turn from wishing to get the autograph or to be photographed with the legendary astronaut was built.

in the Evening in the Russian center of science and culture opening of exhibitions %23Sputnik60 took place. The exposition tells about work of scientists, engineers, designers, technologists on overcoming of terrestrial gravitation, and also about the main achievements which our country branch in the sphere of development of a space achieved. Similar exhibitions already with success Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Serbia, Germany and Israel are open in Azerbaidjan.

more than 100 guests gathered On opening of exhibitions. With welcome speech the ambassador addressed to audience Russian Federation in Luxembourg Victor Aleksandrovich Sorokin who noted that the relations Russian Federation and Luxembourg in the field of development of a space develops very productively and for both countries in this sphere there are good prospects for developments and cooperation deepenings. The executive director on communication Burenkov Igor in the speech noted that from the moment of start of the first artificial satellite the mankind did a big way. And today space technologies in many respects serve rapprochement and association of people due to their broad application in the sphere of communication, navigation, television without which today's life is inconceivable.


Then the audience was addressed by Krikalev Sergei which the astronaut told about the experience in space and answered numerous questions of audience. After polutarchasovy performance kosmonatva guests of evening were waited by a musical surprise. The known Belgian guitarist Goyya Francis who with support of our partner - Friends4East fund under rukovodstsvy Ignasa Meyvisena - specially arrived to Luxembourg to take part in celebration of this zanmenatelny date. The musician expressed the admiration to Krikalev Sergei and executed some works, including all loved "Evenings situated near Moscow", and also a song "Tenderness" melody on music of the composer Pakhmutova Alexandra to which works astronauts still listen before space launch.

on November 19 in the Museum of aircraft located in Mondorf-les-Bains, the meeting of delegation with representatives of airclubs Luxembourg took place. Visit by the Russian astronauts of this museum organized thanks to efforts of the Luxembourg enthusiasts, became already good tradition. In previous years the museum visited the astronaut Misurkin Alexander, Leonov Aleksey. This time about 70 members of various aviation clubs and societies gathered on a meeting. The Russian delegation heat was welcomed by the head of the museum Jean-Claude Jacobi.

After an official ceremony to guests was the video congratulation of astronauts Misurkin Alexander and Ryazansky Sergei on the occasion of the 60 anniversary of start of the first artificial satellite is shown. Then the Luxembourg pilots were addressed by the space pilot Krikalev Sergei who also is the owner of several champion titles on aerobatics and has more than 2 000 hours of a raid in the asset. The audience listened to the Russian guest with a great interest, setting a set of questions not only of space, but about piloting art. After a meeting from a name on behalf of the management of the museum it was dined in which the ambassador Russian Federation Victor Aleksandrovich Sorokin also took part.

the Working program came to the end with air walk by light airplanes during which Krikalev Sergei had an opportunity to operate one of planes. Flight skills of the astronaut, sure manner of piloting made big impression on the Luxembourg pilots. After completion of walk Krikalev Sergei and with enthusiasm communicated for a long time with the Luxembourg pilots.

Krikalev Sergei became the fifth astronaut who has visited Luxembourg about the beginnings of a space age. Earlier in different years here visited Valentine Tereshkova, Klimuk Petr, Misurkin Alexander and Leonov Aleksey.

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Fransis Goya "Tenderness" of muses. And Pakhmutova V.
Alexandra Pakhmutova
Last position: Composer
Valentina Tereshkova
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Victor Aleksandrovich Sorokin
Last position: Plenipotentiary ambassador (Embassy of the Russian Federation in Great Duchy Luxembourg)
Aleksey Leonov
Main activity:Official
Krikalev Sergei
Main activity:Public administration