In December three Russian cities will be caught in the meteoric rain

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Moscow, on November 22, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Three cities of the Volga region in December can be caught in the meteoric rain.

About it are reported website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" with reference to club of fans of astronomy of "Astrosamar".

This information was sounded by

at the international conference in Reykjavik (Iceland). The meteoric stream already moves towards Earth, and in December the meteoric rain is expected.

its "targets" become Smara, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Thus the size of the largest meteorite moving to our planet, reaches about 25 meters, and weight – more than 20 thousand tons.

in the course of entry into Earth atmosphere the meteorite can blow up or burn down, and the surface of Earth will be reached by only small splinters. It is not excluded that the meteorite at all will change a trajectory.

we Will remind

: in 2029 and 2036 the asteroid will come nearer to Earth Apofiz consisting of rocky breeds, ice and a dust. In the specified years it will come nearer to our planet on the minimum distance.

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