Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district informs on the forthcoming granting in rent of the land plots which are in state ownership from category of lands – the earth of settlements
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1. Form of auctions

Open auction

2. Name of the organizer

Location; postal address

E-mail address

Contact person, phone number

Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district

663060, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, pgt. Big Murta, st. of Kirov, 8;, political newspaper Bolshaya Murta district "Modern times".


3. Subject of auctions:

the LOT No. 1

the Right of rent for the land plot which is in state ownership from category of lands — the earth of settlements, with location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, page Aytat, Aytatskaya St., 3 "And" with allowed use — for individual housing constructions, with cadastral number 24:08:3001001:381, of 2956 sq.m., rent for a period of 20 years.

the LOT No. 2

the Right of rent for the land plot which is in state ownership from category of lands — the earth of settlements, with location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, page of Elovk, Babushkina St., 20 with allowed use — for individual housing constructions, with cadastral number 24:08:2701001:649, of 2450 sq.m., rent for a period of 20 years.

the LOT No. 3

the Right of rent for the land plot which is in state ownership from category of lands — the earth of settlements, with location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, page of Elovk, Tsentralnaya St., 1 "G" with allowed use — for individual housing constructions, with cadastral number 24:08:2701002:464, of 1657 sq.m., rent for a period of 20 years.

the LOT No. 4

the Right of rent for the land plot which is in state ownership from category of lands — the earth of settlements, with location: Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, page of Elovk, Nagornaya St., 1 "And" with allowed use — gardening, with cadastral number 24:08:0000000:3981, of 15054 sq.m., rent for a period of 49 years.

4. The name of the local government which has made the decision on carrying out auctions


Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district


of the Resolution No. No. 836, 837,838, 844 from 07.11.2017 of


5. The initial price of a rent, rub, (the price lots)

the LOT No. 1 — 2394,36 rub

the LOT No. 2 — 1984,50 rub.

the LOT No. 3 — 1342,17 rub

the LOT No. 4 — 21 978,84 rub

6. The deposit size of 20%

the LOT No. 1 — 478,87 rub

the LOT No. 2 — 397,00 rub.

the LOT No. 3 — 268,43 rub

the LOT No. 4 — 4395,77 rub

7. Step auctions

of 3%

the LOT No. 1 — 71,84 rub

the LOT No. 2 — 59,54 rub.

the LOT No. 3 — 40,27 rub

the LOT No. 4 — 659,36 rub

8. Requisites of the recipient and the account for transfer of a deposit

FU administration Bolshaya Murta district (Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district p/a 05193021950), an INN of 2408001501 check point 240801001

Office Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk

of BIK 040407001, OKTMO — 0, KBQ — 0

Account No. 40302810900003000009

, "A deposit for participation in open auction on Lota No. _____" the site address: ____________________________________________________________________________

9. Form of the application for participation in auctions and the list of the documents provided by applicants of

to by

1. The demand (the sample is applied) — in duplicate.

2. The payment document with a bank mark the payer about execution for confirmation of transfer by the applicant established in the notice on carrying out auctions a deposit on account of ensuring payment of the acquired right for the conclusion of contracts rent of the land plot.

3. Copies of the documents proving the identity of the applicant.

4. Properly certified translation into Russian of documents on the state registration of the legal entity according to the legislation of the foreign state in case the applicant is the foreign legal entity.

10. The term, place and order of providing the demand and documents enclosed to it, e-mail address of the organizer of auctions

the Demand and documents enclosed to it is provided by

to the organizer of auctions personally or through the representative from the date of, the notice following publication on carrying out open auction in writing, including in shape electronic documents, from 17.11.2017 to 17.12.2017 in working hours from 8 hours 00 min. to 17 hours 00 min., a dinner from 12 hours 00 min. to 13 hours 00 min., to the address: 663060, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, pgt. Big Murta, st. of Kirov 8, ph. 8 (39198) 31-2-95,31-0-93.

11. The right of a response of the demand of applicants for participation in auctions

the Applicant has the right to withdraw, auctions accepted by the organizer the demand before the termination of term of order taking, having notified on it in writing the organizer of auctions.

12. Place, date, time consideration of demands and definition of participants of auctions

To the address: 663060, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, pgt. Big Murta, st. of Kirov 8, 20.12.2017 in 10 hours 00 min.

13. Place and term of carrying out auctions and summing up auctions

663060, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk territory, Bolshaya Murta district, pgt. Big Murta, st. of Kirov, 8 25.12.2017 in 10 hours 00 min. (Assembly hall of Administration of the Bolshaya Murta district)

14. Deposit return to the applicant in a size

of 20%

the Organizer of auctions is obliged to return a deposit to the applicant during 3-ti the working days from the date of summing up auctions, or from the date of signing protocols about recognition of applicants by participants auctions.

15. The imprisonment term of contracts rent of the land plot

the Contract rent goes to the winner auctions or to the only participant auctions within 10 days from the moment of signing protocols about results auctions, for signing by his winner within 30 days.

do not allow the conclusion of contracts by results auctions or in case auction is recognized not taken place for the reason specified in item 20 of article 39.12 of the Land code not earlier than in ten days from the date of placement of information on results auctions on the official site Russian Federation in the <15> Internet network.