"United Russia" Party creates advisory council

@Argumenty nedeli
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Youri Shuvalov headed new structure of "United Russia" Party. As Andrey Turchak told to journalists, such decision was made the day before on Bureau of the Supreme council of party.

As the acting as the secretary of the General council of "United Russia" Party Andrey Turchak told journalists, Advisory council on maintenance of the project work — new structure of "United Russia" Party. Due to the new appointment Youri Shuvalov will leave the Engines of Growth project where he held a position of the chairman of public council. This position will be taken by Budarin Oleg, the member of the Supreme council of party.

Youri Shuvalov is included into the board of trustees of Expert institute of social researches and declared that will surely involve his employees. According to observers, it will allow to get down at once to effective work of Advisory council, without spending time for "swing".

Meeting of Bureau of the supreme council "United Russia" Party passed

on November 20 and was devoted to preparation to the XVII congress. Congress has to take place on December 22-23 on which it is planned to discuss two main questions: definition of priority problems of Party for 2018 and personnel changes in governing bodies "United Russia" Party.

Youri Shuvalov
Main activity:Politician
Andrey Turchak
Main activity:Politician
Budarin Oleg
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism