The most painful defeats of teams in the Roman derby

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On Saturday the next round of the championship Italy on soccer will open a meeting of two basic rivals - "Roma" and "Lazio".

the Portal "" suggests you to remember events of two Roman derbies in which one team showed the full superiority over enemy collective, and to take a piece for a reference point from start of the current eyelid. If to take into account to the statistician of personal meetings of irreconcilable rivals since 2000, it is possible to see that the Roman antagonists thought for two three large victories. Two of these matches stand independently as in each of them one of collectives suffered the most painful defeat in the 21st eyelid (certainly, within capital derby).

on March 10, 2002

of "Lazio" – "Roma" 1:5

of "Lazio": Peruzzi, Mikhaylovich, Nesta Alessandro (Gottardi, 46), Couto, Pancaro, Badzho D. (Poborsky, 46), Fyore, Dzhannikedda, Stankovic, Indzagi Simon (Liverani, 75), Crespo.

"Roma": Antonyoli, Zebina, Samuel, Panuchchi, Kandelia, Lima, Emerson (Assunsao, 84), Cafu, Totti Francesco, Delvekkyo (Tommazi, 60), Montella Vinchentso (Cassano, 75).

Goals: 0:1 – Montella Vinchentso (13), 0:2 – Montella Vinchentso (30), 0:3 – Montella Vinchentso (37), 1:3 – Stankovic (54), 1:4 – Montella Vinchentso (64), 1:5 – Totti Francesco (72).<"31>"

are interesting, what the present mentor of "Lazio" feels Indzagi Simon when to it remind of a shame of 15-year prescription? "Wolves" approached to this duel in the rank of the defending champion Italy while "eagles" finished on the third position, but they tried on a champion crown a season earlier." Rum" under the direction of Fabio Kapello went in leading group and aspired to a gain of the second champion title in succession while Alberto Dzacqueroni (Dzoff Dino was dismissed after three rounds) was dug round by "Lazio" in a zone of the Cup of UEFA and could not apply on "skudetto" any more.

Nominal guests lost the forward Batistuta Gabriel who on the eve of game felt a knee pain therefore the medical personnel advised to keep the South American. Fabio Kapello from first minutes threw into fight Montella Vinchentso - he was fated to play a role of the main character and to make happy all red-yellow part of the Eternal city. the 28-year-old forward, only a few times leaving in a starting lineup, to a break afflicted admirers of "Lazio" three times, having removed all questions of the winner of opposition. It is curious that the first three balls Montella Vinchentso issued from under the captain "byankochelesti" Nesta Alessandro whom Dzakkeroni from a sin far away replaced in a break. Twice "Aeroplanino" won riding single combats, and once successfully jumped out because of a back of the defender who, being before empty gate instead of beating out a ball, reflected on something essential. The afflicted Nesta Alessandro did not appear even on a bench, and after a match was compelled to apologize to "Italian football fans" for that humiliation which its team endured in basic fight. After a break Montella Vinchentso for the fourth time were executed by well-known "flight", having shaken a web from enemy gate as a result of a distant shot.

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"Roma" showed to

on itself tried on Totti Francesco. The legendary football player of "Roma" put the fat end to opposition. The goal performed by Chesko turned out at the same time humiliating and graceful. Skillful "parachute" of Roman "Emperor" was executed because of limits of a penalty area, and the ball on a beautiful arch flew for a back of the goalkeeper Angelo Peruzzi who has come forward that caused a delight storm on a bench of spare "wolves". Even Fabio Kapello was not ashamed to award the ward with a storm of applause. The logic of game demanded that the last nail was hammered into a cover of a coffin of "eagles" thus. Totti Francesco were devoted by a goal to the future wife Ilari Blasi, having lifted up a game t-shirt under which the white undershirt with an inscription "you unique" was located." Rohm" headed the table for eight rounds to finishing line and in every way sought to repeat the success of year prescription, but the persistent fight developed on a final piece of a distance, brought success to "Juventus" – residents of Turin outstripped "dzhallorossi" on only one point.

of the Separate mention are deserved by admirers of "Lazio" who did not want to witness such shame. During game the most radical fans of nominal owners suited disorders, and they should be calmed down by means of tear gas. Next day four hundred "Italian football fan" carried out attack on training base of the club, demanding resignations Alberto Dzacqueroni, but that managed to keep the post and finished until the end of a season. Admirers of "Lazio" endured uniform humiliation in derby, and their team finished the championship on the sixth position. Four years later similar emotions (bitterness from devastating defeat) shrouded opposite camp.

on December 10, 2006

of "Lazio" – "Roma" 3:0

of "Lazio": Peruzzi, Oddo, Sivilya, Kribari, Dzauri, Mudingayi, Ledesma Christian, Mutarelli, Mauri (Manfredini, 90), Pan-maidens (Makinva, 72), Rocca (Foggia, 84).

"Roma": Dhoni, Panuchchi, Mekses Philipp, Kivu, Tonetto (Vuchinich, 62), de Rossi, Pissarro, Taddey, Perrotta, Mansini, Totti Francesco.

Goals: 1:0 – Ledesma Christian (44), 2:0 – Oddo (52 – foams. ) 3:0 – Mutarelli (73).<"48>"

the Season 2006/07 was given for both capital teams very not bad - "Roma" finished after champion "Inter", and "Lazio" closed the first three. The meeting which has taken place in December, became really epoch-making - "eagles" for the first time for 127 Roman derbies (within the championship) managed to beat the worst enemy with a difference in three balls though at that time defense of "Roma" was considered almost as the most reliable in the championship Italy. Tactics which the mentor "byankochelesti" chose Delio Rossi, bore fruit. The trainer of nominal owners perfectly studied a manner of game of collective Luchano Spalletti and built the scheme so that to block oxygen "yellow-red"." Wolves" at first were exhausted and wounded, and then driven into a corner and torn to pieces.

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Ledesma Christian sent to

(it, by the way, served also that legendary match with poker Montella Vinchentso). The forward of "eagles" Goran Pandev used a mistake Mekses Philipp and jumped out on a rendezvous with the goalkeeper Dhoni. The Macedonian cut a game shell over the goalkeeper who has fallen in feet, was hooked for his knee and it appeared on a lawn. Rozetti Roberto was away from the main events and initially pointed to an angular tag as the ball for the front line was taken out by the defender "dzhallorossi". "Eagles" in full strength flew on the arbitrator, aspiring to changing his point of view. After small consultation with the assistant Rozetti Roberto pointed to a 11-meter mark, having in passing awarded with Dhoni's red card as violation of the goalkeeper pulled on a foul of the last hope. Naturally, players of "Roma" did not begin to be reconciled with such development events and have a heart-to-heart talk with the judge who after debate commuted a penalty – instead of Dhoni's removal saw before itself a piece of cardboard of yellow color. Probably, the goalkeeper of "Roma" became the first player in the history of soccer which within a minute was removed, but is immediately forgiven.

In an ending a duel of "Lazio" completed business before defeat by Massimo Mutarelli's efforts, the first appeared in time on a rebound. Totti Francesco who bathed in glory beams four years ago, this time by miracle avoided removal. "Emperor" injured a hip in an antagonism with the defender Luchano Spalletti Dzauri and in agonies almost trampled the offender. Rozetti Roberto decided to keep an intrigue and showed to the captain of "wolves" a yellow card though quite could send that to a locker room." Lazio" not only beat the basic rival with a devastating score, but also interrupted its six-match victorious series in the championship, having in passing opened champion gate for "Inter".

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is curious that after game the mentor of "Lazio" Delio Rossi jumped in Dzhanikolo's located in the center of the Eternal city the fountain. The expert made it in one swimming trunks, and even subzero temperature did not frighten off him from commission of a similar act. Before Rossi's match made the corresponding promise to the nun who was one of the most devoted fans of club. The Italian mentor unlike some Russian experts kept the word and shipped a body in Dzhanikolo. The fans of "Roma" afflicted with unpleasant defeat and an act of the enemy trainer, hastened to report at once that repeatedly celebrated need directly in the fountain.

Nesterova Victoria