The construction ministry was connected to business of the Kostroma deceived shareholders from the Agashkiny mountain

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In a mode of open and constructive dialogue. Problems of shareholders, enclosed in construction of the 8th house on the Agashkiny mountain, discussed today in Administration of Kostroma region. I will remind, one of two high-rise buildings which company started building SU-155, is now completed. Works began on the second object. But again suspended. What decisions are made at a meeting? Oksana Stakhanova will tell.

B that the house number 8 will be completed, many while unaccomplished new settlers already despaired to trust, sounds at a meeting. Someone from shareholders is ready to wait, someone wants to return money, others – agree to apartments in other high-rise buildings. Of Administration of Kostroma region are sure, the object will be completed. And for this purpose take all possible measures. The head of the region Sergei Sitnikov already sent the governmental telegram to Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing.

Andrey Dmitriev, deputy governor Kostroma region: "Everything that the maximum participation in problems of shareholders, the most that resource which is necessary that delivery"


Oksana Stakhanova, the correspondent was carried out depends on Administration of Kostroma region, here: "The house number eight on the Agashkiny mountain has to be same, as well as here this, the eleventh. Keys from apartments in it started distributing to residents in the summer. Then participants of share construction of the eighth house had a hope for fast housewarming. But while here only base. And workers it is not visible"


Working, the contractor explains, left from object in connection with financial problems. Bank ran into debt to the organization the solid sum.

Anton Tarakanov, the deputy director generals on construction: "The eleventh letters we completed, entered it on the third of July, 2017, works were performed in time, at present company a stroyindustriyaholding has a creditor debt, they owe us money of 9,6 million rubles"

an insufficient funding Question specialized regional department sounded during the selector at the deputy minister of construction Nikita Stasishin. Of federal department assured – soon the problem will be solved. With the contractor will make the new schedule of construction with a completion date next year.

Oksana Stakhanova, Olga Adamova, Gennady Suvorov, Shopping MALL "Rus".

Sergei Konstantinovich Sitnikov
Last position: Governor (Administration of the Kostroma region)
Andrey Dmitriev
Last position: Deputy governor of the Kostroma region (Administration of the Kostroma region)
Nikita Stasishin
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation)
Stakhanova Oksana
Tarakanov Anton
Shopping MALL "Rus"
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Government Agency