The deputy head Federal Agency for State Property Management Gavrilin Eugenie participated in a seminar of responsible secretaries of public councils in Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

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with responsible secretaries, chairmen of public councils at executive authorities passed the Seminar within deepening of interaction of Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation with public councils at federal executive authorities.

Event is held by

within execution of the tasks set by President of the Russian Federation for Civic chamber. Gavrilin Eugenie as the responsible secretary of public council at Federal Agency for State Property Management participated in a seminar meeting with representatives of public councils on an exchange of experience of the organization and carrying out meetings, interactions with public associations.

Organizers of a seminar told

about ways of increase of level of openness and publicity of departments and about a role of public councils in this work. Features of the organization on sites of open receptions and collecting addresses of citizens were discussed. Besides, representatives of Civic chamber reminded that public councils have to be restarted each three years.

Members of chamber once again urged not to be afraid of constructive criticism during the work with public councils and more actively to cooperate with the profile commission of Civic chamber, to invite her representatives to meetings.

Besides, in the same day the seminar meeting concerning formation and activity of public councils took place at federal executive authorities. In action took part the chairman of public council at Federal Agency for State Property Management Medvedev Youri and members of public council.

In September, 2016 for the first time created Public council at Federal Agency for State Property Management according to the resolution of Government of the Russian Federation of 02.08.2005 No. 481 "About an order of educations public councils at the federal ministries, management with which is performed by Government of the Russian Federation, federal services and the federal agencies subordinated to these federal ministries, and also the state committees, federal services and federal agencies".

20 independent representatives of the largest public and commercial organizations were a part of Public council, scientific and educational institutions. The staff of council was created taking into account recommendations of Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and advisory council at Government of the Russian Federation.