At the Chuvash state theater of the young viewer of M. Sespel press conference, devoted to the II Interregional festival of national youth theaters and Theatres for Young Audience "Fantastic palette" took place

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at the Chuvash state theater of the young viewer of M. Sespel took place on November 15 press conference, devoted to the II Interregional festival of national youth theaters and Theatres for Young Audience "Fantastic palette".

Journalists were told about a course of preparation for a theatrical forum and its program. The director of Theatre for Young Audience Helena Nikolaeva reported that event is held from November 20 to November 24 with support "Soyuz teatralnykh deyateley Rossiyskoy Federatsii"; "STD RF (WTO) ", "STD RF", Ministry cultures, for nationalities and archiving Chuvash Republic. "To us many demands arrived, following the results of competitive selection the poster included performances of theaters from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Tatarstan, Mari El Republic and Zarechny Penza region", were noted by her.

the main director of Theatre for Young Audience, the honored worker of arts told Chuvash Republic, the honored worker of culture of Kazakhstan Joseph Dmitriev: "In 2014 in our theater there passed the I Interregional laboratory forum of children's national dramatic art, the Fantastic Palette festival became its continuation. This year we will see off him for the second time. Why we collect national Theatres for Young Audience? We want that children knew the culture, the language. Because without knowledge of traditions, customs, literature, culture of people cannot take place. If we want to bring up the patriot, he has to love a place of the birth. And learning culture and language of other people, the person learns himself even more. It is important to know, feel that near us there are also other people: they in a different way see, hear, explain the world. During a festival the intonational, plastic wealth, richness of the imagination of artists, directors of various national theaters" fully will reveal.

Within "A fantastic palette" the special attention will be paid by

to discipline "Theatrical pedagogics" which is engaged in creation of conditions for perception of performance and its judgment. "Before performance and after performances will go in for theatrical pedagogics Olga Shevnina, the educational psychologist, the head of special projects of the Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre. It comes to the second time and will train us, adults, actors, teachers how to give such classes with children. Classes in theatrical pedagogics have great practical value for theaters of the young viewer", were told by the actress Natalja Ahmed.

"A problem of theatrical pedagogics to leave from didactics, to ask such pedagogical questions to open children's feelings of music, paints, to open internal ways of understanding children of the world. And in this way the name of the Fantastic Palette festival finds one more sense is a reflection a mnogotsvetiya and multidimensionalities of the world", were added by Joseph Dmitriev.

"I want to thank organizers – Theatre for Young Audience of M. Sespel – that they addressed to a hot topic – a development subject national theaters for children and youth. Holding the Fantastic Palette festival is of great importance not only for the Chuvash Theatre for Young Audience, but also for all republic. To us there come the most interesting collectives from various regions Russian Federation, the geography of a festival extends, and I hope that it becomes traditional", – the vice-chairman of the Union of theatrical figures told Chuvash Republic Galina Skvortsova.