Chapter Primorsky territory appointed the vice governor supervising rural and fishery

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Vladivostok. November 17. INTERFAX - the FAR EAST - the Acting as the governor Primorsky territory Andrey Tarasenko appointed the deputy concerning rural and fishery Valentine Dubinin which worked in Administration of the Primorsky Territory about 20 years ago in team of the governor Eugenia Nazdratenko (the head of the region of 1995 - 2001 - IF).


"Elected the new vice governor is a Valentine Dubinin. He knows agriculture, well knows village life", - told Andrey Tarasenko who is quoted by the press service of Administration of the Primorsky Territory.

Valentine Dubinin was born

in 1946, in 1993 became the first deputy head of administration, later - the first vice governor.


C 2001-2008 - worked at senior positions in Dalnevostochny branch JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK", some years was the deputy of Legislative Assembly Seaside.

the Former acting the vice governor concerning rural and fishery Denise Bochkarev after appointment Andrey Tarasenko the head of the region became the director of specialized department, and then left.

the Predecessor Denise Bochkarev - Sergei Sidorenko - left administration at the end of last year after became the person involved in criminal case about excess of powers of office.

Andrey Tarasenko
Last position: Chairman (Government of the Sakha Republic)
Sergei Petrovich Sidorenko
Main activity:Official
Dubinin Valentine
Nazdratenko Eugenia
Bochkarev Denise