Competition "The person of year in the culture sphere" is declared to Belarus

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on November 16, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. Republican competition "The person of year in the culture sphere" is declared to Belarus. The order of its carrying out is published on the official website Ministry cultures of Republic of Belarus, reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

Competition is carried out by

on the nominations "Architecture and Restoration", "Fine arts", "Monumental Art", "Theater", "Musical Art", "Choreographic art", "Variety Art", "Circus art", "Kinovideoiskusstvo", "Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage", "Museum Activity", "Library Activity", "Club Activity", "National Creativity", "National Arts and Crafts Creativity", "Pedagogical Work with Creative Youth", "Illumination of Questions of Culture in Mass Media".

B competition citizens Belarus - workers of the sphere of culture, education institutions can participate in the culture sphere, employees of mass media (in the nomination "Illumination of Questions of Culture in Mass Media"), design and contract organizations (in the nomination "Architecture and Restoration"), members of public associations, including the creative unions.

Criteria of an assessment of achievements of participants in the nominations "Architecture and Restoration", "Fine arts", "Monumental Art", "Theater", "Musical Art", "Choreographic art", "Variety Art", "Circus art", "Kinovideoiskusstvo" determined art level of results of creative activity of the participant competitions, a public response of results of activity, including progress at republican and international competitions, awards and awards, responses in the press, professional and moral qualities of participants.

In the nomination "Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage" consider activities for preservation, promoting and revival of objects of the historical and cultural heritage which results have concrete achievements, performance of the research works, allowed to open earlier unknown data on distinctive spiritual, art and documentary advantages of historical and cultural value; professionalism, systemacity and prospect of developments activities for preservation, promoting and revival of objects of historical and cultural heritage, social effect and responses of mass media; the importance of a place of object in spiritual life of society, its inclusion in a sociocultural turn, excursion availability and tourist appeal of object.

Criteria in the nominations "National Creativity", "National Arts and Crafts Creativity" art level and a public response of results of activity of the participant are called

; originality of use of national art traditions; the importance of realized cultural projects in the direction of revival, preservation of traditions and developments the modern directions of art creativity; participation in the international, republican competitions, festivals, work as a part of jury, commissions of experts.

For the nominations "Museum Activity", "Library Activity", "Club Activity" as criteria are served professional skill, by achievements, innovation; the carried-out new significant actions; participation in the international and republican forums, work as a part of jury.

In the nomination "Pedagogical Work with Creative Youth" consider application of effective forms of activity on support of talented youth; efficiency in training of winners of the international competitions, the Olympic Games; level of professional skill and achievements of pedagogical workers; relevance and compliance of experience of pedagogical activity to current trends of developments educations, achievement of high rates in promotion of cultural wealth.

For the nomination "Illumination of Questions of Culture in Mass Media" public recognition, relevance and popularity of author's publications concerning cultural life of the country are important; completeness and versatility of covering of cultural events; skill of giving of a material; objectivity and accuracy of the stated facts; volume of a printing material, maintaining constant headings; the quantity of responses on the published materials, etc.

Promotion of candidates of participants competitions is offered to carry out

in collectives till December 31, a term of demands to the Ministry of Culture - from January 2 to January 15, 2018. competitions the jury will bring results from January 16 to January 25. The announcement of names of winners and rewarding will take place till February 28.

to Winners competitions at a ceremony will be handed over to

special diplomas and monetary awards in 25 basic sizes.

Competition is carried out by

for the purpose of stimulation of a creative and business initiative of cultural workers, promotion of innovative ideas and the best practices in cultural activity. Organizers competitions act as

the Ministry of Culture and information Ministry, regional executive committees, Minsk city executive committee, Belarusian confederation of Creative unions.