Intercontinental butt matches on 2018 FIFA World Cup. Australia – Honduras. Forecast for a match 15.11.17

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Australia – Honduras. Teams have to be satisfied with result of the first duel. The intrigue in fight for the permit to Russian Federation remains though Australia has more chances of success nevertheless. Honduras did not achieve on the international scene of impressive results in spite of the fact that in recent years it was regularly selected to a world forum.

Australia in the history had also more sidereal times. The team managed even to break a group barrier in the World Cup final, however in recent years the general level of the national team considerably decreased though to underestimate it is not necessary. Rather convincingly looked "sokkeruz" on the Cup Kofederatsy where they ceded to only future winner Germany (2:3), having shown to the qualified rival worthy resistance. In a selection cycle wards Postekoglu Anga not really shone. Directly it was not succeeded to be qualified on the FIFA World Cup by it. Matches play-off for Australians also were not given easy, but they approach to a decisive duel in quite good mood. In a guest meeting with the present rival (0:0) team achieved acceptable result. The trainer's staff gave the chance to have a rest to the skilled forward Kekhill Tim. He will try to justify trust of the mentor in a house match. Australia in selection meetings on the home field did not lose since 2008.

Honduras spoke at two in a row world forums, but it was limited only to participation in group tournament, having gathered in six meetings one point. And in a selection cycle the team did not shine, having taken only the fourth place in the group. It got to a stage play-off not without effort, thanks to efforts Trinidad and Tobago, sensationally changed United States of America (2:1). "Los katrachos" work in native walls where they gathered the most part of points much more successfully. On departure wards Louis Jorge Pinto coped in group tournament only with the outsider, and in guest meetings from United States of America 0:6 and Mexico 0:3 they could not avoid disorder. At the disposal of a trainer's staff there are many skilled football players, however none of them have no star status and they act not in the strongest clubs.

Conclusion : Honduras did not impress with the actions in a house match. On a visit "los katrachos" it will be at all difficult to surprise the opponent. The team does not differ outstanding results far from the house. Australia, though has not the best times, in a class surpasses the rival who was not really deserving on an exit in a playoffs. At structure "sokkeruz" there are more qualified performers. Many of them act in Europe. The trainer's staff will count on bombardier qualities Kekhill Tim.

the Forecast – Australia will win against

(koeff. – 1.6 from BQ of the Bet match).