The resolution Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2017 N 25-P Saint Petersburg "on the case of check of constitutionality of point 5 of article 2 of the Federal law "About information

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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The resolution Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2017 N 25-P Saint Petersburg "on the case of check of constitutionality of point 5 of article 2 Law "About Information, Information Technologies and about Information Security" in connection with complaint the citizen Sushkov Alexander Ivanovich"...
Alexander Ilyich Boytsov
Last position: Judge (Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)
Konstantin Aranovsky
Last position: The judge of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation in resignation
Valery Zorkin
Last position: Chairman (Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)
Gadis Gadzhiev
Last position: Judge of the Constitutional court of the Russian Federation.
Youri Mikhaylovich Danilov
Last position: Judge (Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)