Фонд Baring Vostok вышел из капитала второго крупнейшего продавца лекарств в России — «Аптечной сети 36,6»

@NIA "Samara"
Его долю выкупили структуры миллиардера Романа Авдева, основного владельца сети...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «NIA "Samara"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Roman Ivanovich Avdeev
Last position: Member of the supervisory board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MOSKOVSKY CREDIT BANK")
Aleksey Kiselev-Romanov
Last position: Director of the department of public health and communications (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
Avdev Roman
Buzdalin Roman
Solodov Sergei
X5 Group
Main activity:Retail trade
CJSC "Bering Vostok"
Main activity:Finance
Palesora Ltd
"Aptechnaya set 36,6"