At terrible deficiency budgets Administration of the city district Artemovsk in Primorsky territory will spend about two million rubles for New Year's festivities
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I it, apart from costs of construction of the fantastic town, the organization of various cultural actions, children's gifts and other attributes of the main winter holiday.


According to the technical documentation published on the official website of government purchases, only for New Year trees from city treasury it is allocated 830 thousand rubles. This sum entered transportation of a live tree from the wood and its installation in the territory of a spare football field behind Palace of culture of coal miners (the traditional central square where the stone blocks was laid, this year will not be used for these purposes).

of One more, but already artificial fir-tree the place on a turning ring around a bus stop "Komsomol" is prepared. The cost of the most 10-meter design makes more than 400 thousand rubles, plus to it solid costs of its assembly and installation. On a question of where the old fir-tree which was established safely on this place by all the last years disappeared, in administration of the Artemovsky city district answered that that supposedly became useless, began to be scattered actively and cannot be pleasing to the eye of citizens any more. It appears, the same fate comprehended also the previous design, and here a present artificial fir-tree, already the third (! ! ! ) on the account, bought on money taxpayers, according to officials, has to serve, at least, about ten years.

However, expediency of so expensive purchase, especially, in the conditions of financial crisis in Aleksandru Artem, remains under very big question. What in general emergency need to put two central city fir-trees in so squeezed territory limited by one bus stop and efficiency of an artificial New Year's symbol at very brisk intersection also is very illusive. To this fir-tree it is impossible to approach, be photographed on its background and furthermore, to drive round it round dances. But for the sake of artificial shows officials did not stint, and "private" reasonings on economy of budgetary funds in the city hall hardly will hear …

two More municipal contracts, and all their four, were concluded on delivery the LED equipment in the popular 3D format (well as to do without it in Aleksandru Artem? ! ) . It is a question of volume compositions of multi-colored spheres and "gift" boxes – height of these products varies from 1 meter to nearly 2 meters.

the Cost of this miracle made 392 thousand rubles, and, approximately, in as much managed 57 more metal shining consoles with festive subject. Where these modern, New Year's features will be established, yet is not reported, but, there are a wish to believe that they will be not comprehended by a fate of the similar fragile designs from year to year placed in Vladivostok by and vandals right there becoming victims.

it would be quite good now to Aleksandru Artem to Vladimirovich to Avdeev to organize the round-the-clock watch of the officials near new expensive municipal property that next year not to be spent for their replacement!

… And meanwhile, recently in Artemovsk the city district scandals over doubtful budgetary acquisitions for needs of officials and deputies even more often inflame. Despite an acute shortage of means in treasury, million rubles still go for purchase official cars, the organization of repairs of official offices, PR campaigns in regional and federal funds of mass information.

From AGO administration, for a long time got used to live beyond means, does not lag behind now and the local Duma. Only this year on repair and reconstruction of its rooms, and also acquisition of new, more comfortable and modern furniture, from budgets, at least, one and a half million rubles were spent. And the end edge to these mad expenditure during a chronic lack of money, alas, it is not observed.

A after all how many useful and really necessary affairs for which money are not allocated for years, could be made in Aleksandru Artem if the authorities at least occasionally treated an expenditure of budgetary funds thriftily as real monarchic people, instead of favourites for whom it is more important to create own comfort and to show off.


On the same money, with ease let on New Year's festivities, it would be possible to establish 6-7 children's playgrounds (because of deficiency funds are not allocated for them since 2014), to put a safe protection in two kindergartens, to repair a roof at school, to make dumping of several emergency streets of the private sector … Certainly, at all it is impossible to do without holidays, but after all it is possible and intelligently, both without trick, and without fanaticism.

Kasetsky Youri, chairman of social movement "Committee on protection of the rights of citizens and counteraction corruptions", Aleksandru Artem.

From "VestiRegion" edition:

A in general in Primorsky territory is any the power which could indicate at least Aleksandru Artem such, to put it mildly, unreasonable expenditure of means of taxpayers? Who and how will be responsible for it? Questions, questions...