Vyacheslav Kvon Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Artemovsk)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone numberDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone number12/7/2023Primorye24Your part — is pride of Russia. It is pride of Primorsky Krai, it is pride of our city. In your regiment there are a lot of known names, and the history of our city, history of your regiment — are inseparably linked12/7/2023Messages. SeasideDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone numberDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone number12/7/2023Primorye24Your part — is pride of Russia. It is pride of Primorsky Krai, it is pride of our city. In your regiment there are a lot of known names, and the history of our city, history of your regiment — are inseparably linked12/7/2023Messages. SeasideDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone numberDear friends. Today again to my colleagues messages allegedly from my name began to come. I will repeat, it actions of swindlers. If to you such message, a request arrived not to answer or call back on my phone number12/7/2023Primorye241216Related events+8 last weekHeadAdministration of the city district ArtemovskMedia Score: LowHeadAdministration of the city district Artemovsk60years oldBornJuly 31, 1964TavrichankaRelationship status: He is married27Connections+18 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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PoliticsВячеслав Квон победил в номинации "Мэр года" премии "Гамбургский счет"Messages. Seaside11/23/2024GeographyCompaniesProductsPeople41 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictГлава Артёма Вячеслав Квон возглавил Совет муниципалитетов Приморского края11/11/2024PeopleMediaCompaniesProductsGeography2 minPoliticsВячеслав Квон занял новую высокую должностьMessages. Seaside11/9/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople33 secPoliticsНовым председателем Совета муниципалитетов Приморья стал глава АртемаOfficial site of Administration of Primorsky Krai11/8/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minSocial policyОткрытие фонтана состоялось на центральной площади АртемаMessages. Seaside11/5/2024ProductsMediaPeople40 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictМэр – на месте происшествия: из-за аварии отсутствует водоснабжение в домах приморцевMessages. Seaside11/3/2024PeopleGeography24 sec
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