Home from Syrie will return nearly 50 Russians

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of Nearly fifty citizens Russian Federation, violently or deception taken away to Syrie, wait for sending home.

the representative informed Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation , the head of the Russian center for reconciliation of the conflicting parties to Syrie the lieutenant general Kuralenko Sergei.

He reported that officers of the center together with the representative of chapter Chechen Republic carried out to Syrie a rescue operation as a result of which on October 21 to Russian Federation the first group of Russians arrived: 7 women and 14 children.

Earlier they were in the territory controlled by fighters of forbidden in Russian Federation of the terrorist organization "Islamic State".

according to the general, the next party prepares for evacuation to Russian Federation from our 46 compatriots, among them the majority of women and children.

"Many of them deception got to Syrie and Iraq. Were violently taken out from Russian Federation by the husbands who were at war on the party of terrorists" — marked out Kuralenko Sergei.

He also told that Russian Federation together with the Syrian experts is complete by sappers of the International antimine center of Armed forces mine clearing of Deir ez-Zor.

In addition, the Russian military together governmental forces Syrie and leaders of vooruzhsnny opposition ensured safety carrying out the next two humanitarian escorts of United Nations in the "Southern" zone of a de-escalation. As a result inhabitants of settlements Tell-Gekhab and Et Taiyiba in the province Deraa received humanitarian assistance with a gross weight of 154 tons.