Bronshteyn Victor : My rest — in creativity, in art

@Bajkal'skie vesti
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Irkutsk in September dropped out honor to become a platform of one of the main cultural events Russian Federation — the VIII International Slavic literary forum "The gold hero" — for the first time for his 25-year history. About meetings, results, reflections, plans for the future, connected with this event, the known businessman, the founder of gallery of the modern art, the member of the Union of writers and "Soyuz zhurnalistov Russia", "SZHR", the honourable citizen tells Irkutsk Bronshteyn Victor .


— Bronshteyn Victor , it is known that the two-volume book of publicistic works "the Pendulum businesses: between an award and prison", "Destiny labyrinths: between soul and business" received a high award, namely "The silver hero". Share your impressions about a forum and about an award.

— the Founder and the permanent chairman of this forum most prestigious in the Slavic world many years is the great friend Rasputin Valentine , as well as it directing all efforts to fight for revival of great Russian culture, the national actor Russian Federation, the writer, the member of Patriarchal council Burlyaev Nicholas Petrovich. It is possible to judge ponderability of an award and its value on the awarded.

For previous years among inhabitants of Irkutsk one was handed over to

only "The gold hero" — to the remarkable poet Sidorenko Valentina, and silver was not at all, though in group of writers where members of the Union of writers Russian Federation more than hundred people, are a lot of very worthy.

In the journalism category still in Irkutsk was only one "The bronze hero". It awarded to the known Russian writer Rumyantsev Andrey , to the author of books from the Life of Remarkable People series (ZhZL) about Vampilov Alexander and Rasputin Valentine , to their friend and the classmate. And this year "The silver hero" for journalism handed over to also great friend of great fellow countrymen standing on level of skill it is close to the eminent friends — to Gurulev Albert Semenovich.

— And how, in your opinion, the youth reacts to "Hero"?

— If writers and the city hall treat "Hero" yours faithfully, at youth, alas, other criteria. So, some young people from among journalists and even editors, will of a case taking part in forum work, accused of a lobby both a forum, and winners in not present and of an embodiment of last, pre-perestroika era. It was necessary to explain to them that conscience and the soul of the Slavic world which has become at will of ill fate for the majority of the population archaic concepts, suitable unless for the Red List so look.

Many real writers — it is other pole of luster rather habitual for modern eyes and a glamour. Besides, very seldom St about yashchy writers are well off today, and in self-satisfied luxury — never. At the writers following Rasputin Valentine as the poet Zinovyev Nicholas told:

After to last beggar of any
the soul as a wound knife,
But as it is pleasant through melancholy and pain
to Think of the soul Hurts: "Live".

— whether it is right, what among participants of a forum the question of that Rasputina Valentina be canonized was discussed? How you treated this idea?

— it is valid, among participants of a forum was born and very interesting thought of statement and discussion in the orthodox environment of a question of canonization of our great fellow countryman was sounded from a scene by Burlyaev Nicholas Petrovich, in my opinion. In my opinion, many would be happy to pray to such sacred! If my opinion in this question something means, I — for!

— And how to be with conversations on anti-Semitism of the writer?

I Admit Gurulev Albert Semenovich in the new book "Stop … and Look Back" slightly concerns this question and promises to continue conversation. Perhaps, with my surname — with the Russian mother and the Jewish father — it is easier for me, than Gurulev Albert Semenovich, to talk on this ticklish subject.

I Present to

, how many the frank criticism and curve smiles will be from considerable part even my friends, liking to discuss a subject of anti-Semitism of the Russian writers including Rasputin Valentine . I am ready to object to this charge that, being familiar with the great writer and not once, though not often with it communicated and concerning a monument Vampilov Alexander , and concerning reconstruction of the Harlampiyevsky temple. Also showed in 1997 the first exhibition to painting at Vernisazh restaurant on Uritsky Street. And also acquainted him with the project of restoration of the temple ordered by me to the Prelate Innokenti (the architect Yakovlev Alexander ) and in other situations, I always felt very goodwill to ours with the poet Gayda Gennady to affairs and to me personally.

Besides, on the attitude towards me was never and discrimination shadows from Siberia and Our Contemporary magazines where Rasputin Valentine was the permanent member of an editorial board and indisputable authority. Not only the slightest word, and even a hint was enough to close to me as to the young author, road on their pages. Instead some time I was even the associate editor of the Siberia magazine. In both magazines mine not the most Slavic surname appeared almost an every year. I think that affairs of the person to Rasputin Valentine were one thousand times more important than surnames and nationalities.

At the same time it is easy to

to guess as our most great writer treated such representatives of the Russian oligarchical Jewry rattling for the whole world as Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Nevzlin, Mikhail Khodorkovsky etc., and also to active creators of revolution of 1917. But at the majority of the population Russian Federation including at Jews, these surnames, to put it mildly, too do not cause sympathies.

Very disputable, in my opinion, is in this list only the figure Mikhail Khodorkovsky. It is unlikely he violated the Law in a bigger measure, than all other superrich men who are actively taking out both raw materials, and the capitals, and the families abroad, ready at any time to escape with sinking not without their participation of the ship. About it it is told and in my poem.

Second "Titanic"?

It seemed to all by the ship,
That the holiday will eternally last.
Start up ice in a haze gnashes,
of the Reason is not present not to have fun!
Here as the Homeland my
Laughs, the captain's family
A elections In reliable boats … sits.

— And there is any concrete, memorable example of goodwill Rasputin Valentine to Bronshteyn Victor ?

— Never I will forget

as Rasputin Valentine , in my opinion, in the fall the 2008th or the 2009th with the wife Svetlana Ivanovna arrived slightly ahead of time on any cultural action to the Business center in Solar, and I, taking an opportunity, invited them to drink on a tea cup with ice cream. I was lucky, none of the high administration did not manage to meet the writer, and we appeared three together. Rasputin Valentine vividly took an interest as there are affairs on restoration of the Harlampiyevsky temple.

At that moment, after departure of the governor Alexander Tishanin, within a year I was the main sponsor of this project. Close in the tracks events I told Rasputin Valentine about the miracle connected with the temple. To the aid of the temple I was pushed by a catastrophic situation. From the father Evgeny (Startsev) who is selflessly reviving the Harlampiyevsky temple from ruins, I learned that under the law of meanness financing broke at the most inappropriate moment and the bulk of the restored temple remained besides that without windows, so also, as a colossus on clay feet, without seismobelt. Being the engineer, I understood, the last circumstance is how dangerous to workers, restorers and to the temple. The sixth sense beeped me that soon there will be an earthquake and the temple near which there lived my grandmother and passed the childhood, will fail. In an hour after that I called the father Evgeny and told that funds for a seismobelt, and at the same time on windows, doors etc. I will urgently find and I will allocate. Work began to boil immediately.

A of days through five after seismobelt Irkutsk shook so that to all inhabitants these rare seven-eight points were remembered for a long time. Rasputin Valentine attentively listened and told: "It is a pity that at Russian Federation there was no seismobelt. But also it will be rescued by a miracle! ".

After that I asked permissions to dedication to it the poem which here and read. As a sign of approval Rasputin Valentine , telling nothing, shook hands with me. Here this small poem:

Ya exactly at midnight at the river
of the Nature I hear revival,
Here to all laws contrary to
From waters the deaf Shiver in a fever singing is torn.

Not New year, and every day
the Nature tremblingly meets
I of holidays past a shadow
At the sunk villages
the Tear unexpected notes.

It is handshake I remembered forever. As we did not greet and did not say goodbye, Handshake was purely literary. For it, in my perception, there was all history of the Russian classics for which once the great Russian writer Leonov Leonid Maksimovich found room in some "heathandshakes": "Gorky reaped a hand to Tolstoy, Tolstaya — to Turgenev, Turgenev — to Gogol, Gogol — to Pushkin … And there was in the Russian literature this heathandshake. To me Gorky reaped a hand, and I appreciated it". This statement the author of the biography brought Leonov Leonid Maksimovich into the ZhZL series Prilepin Zakhar, and after leaving Rasputin Valentine continued a chain: "Leonov Leonid Maksimovich — Rasputina Valentina", and Rasputin Valentine — to many contemporaries, without forgetting, naturally, and fellow countrymen.

Let who wants

grins, but for me this handshake Rasputin Valentine even if and in connection with one modest poem, was as mystical and especially valuable advance payment especially as Rasputin Valentine never wasted mere words and praises.

Burlyaev Nicholas Petrovich in seven-eight years of my intense work are close to

to this "heathandshake" and official handshake at delivery of "The silver hero". From inhabitants of Irkutsk — participants of a forum I will especially note a contribution of the head of city Theatre of the national drama Kornev Mikhail.

— At Rasputin Valentine were Jewish friends. Whether and still exactly it concerned all representatives of this nationality?

— Telling about imaginary anti-Semitism Rasputin Valentine , his close friend Gurulev Albert Semenovich in the book "Stop … and Look Back" calls companions-friends of the writer with such "Slavic" surnames, as Ioffe Sergei, Boris Rotenfeld, Ivashkovsky Vladimir, etc. But the most important — in its immortal works of art of anti-Semitism is not present and in mention.

on the other hand, each thinking person has claims, and considerable, to the vast majority of the people, and at decent people — first of all to the people.

Zinovyev Nicholas on this problem cannot disagree with a look of the remarkable Russian poet:

the People are hammered and confused with

Really loving,
Ya nadaval to it slaps in the face,
That it recovered rather.

Or here his words:

I let me are abused by pseudo-patriots:
"Yes as it dares? What does he speak? ".
But, my people, whether is worthy you odes,
When steal flowers from gravestones? .

is not, naturally, an angellike exception and the Jewish nation though to present the drunk Jew blaspheming on a cemetery, whatever you may say, very difficult, perhaps, it is impossible. In this question the position of the wittiest Jewish poet Guberman Igor is close to me. He considers that, having carried by light of the religion and traditions in six millennia, Jews are more active and more vigorous, and somewhere more skillfully than bulk of people, and therefore "left marks" in the history both in the most noble and in opposite affairs. But one business to criticize certain groups of persons and them put, and absolutely another — ogoltelo to hate all hardworking and talented people which have presented the world Jesus, Moisey, Abraham, Einstein, Landau, Dunayevsky, Freud, Botvinnik and Fischer, Spinoza, Chagall, Chaplin, Heine, Mandelstam, Pasternak, Brodsky, Samoylov etc. according to the infinite list great imen.



V the works of art and in journalism Rasputin Valentine , unlike Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich, at all does not concern the Jewish subject, and it did not appropriate to the villains the Jewish surnames. Therefore its "anti-Semitism" no more convex, than, for example, at Guberman Igor and other conceiving Jews. The people at which fellow countrymen under the influence of ideology sometimes, like Morozov Pawel, cross through the related, neighbour's relations and heat the neighbor ("Live and remember"), and men are not able to intercede for themselves and for the daughters ("Ivan's mother, the daughter Ivana"), and heads are callous ("French lessons"), is shown in some cases with all art ruthlessness. But anybody is not come, thank God, to mind on this basis by Rasputin Valentine or to accuse Zinovyev Nicholas

— That, in your opinion, unites all awarded works? What their general denominator?

— In many noted works, as well as at the forum, central was the subject of conscience and honor of our contemporary. But trouble that concept of conscience for many young people — a past remnant, as compassionate and sincere old women from citizens of Rasputin stories not read by these category. Really, the raid of some archaism was and in clothes of many writers, irrespective of age. Does not indulge, to put it mildly, the today's state "engineers of human souls" (expression Olesha Youri, and are later than Stalin), as, actually, both teachers, and doctors. And really, why them to indulge if during reorganization even the word "writer" disappeared from the list of professions? And there is no profession — there is no allowance also, at least and minimum. If at the time of a socialism, at all its shortcomings, not only not bad paid for books, for journal and newspaper materials, but provided writers and free apartments. The Irkutsk literary organization in this regard an exception was not. To turn in this question time back and to adopt at a socialism care of writers and of the people as a whole.

— And whether there are between writers of a forum any disagreements?

— Quarrels, and sometimes and squabbles of the intellectuals became, in my opinion, a patrimonial damnation Russian Federation. In 1917 all fell out with all: both parties, and military leaders among themselves and with the Prime Minister (especially Kerensky with Kornilov), and all together with the tsar. This wave of anarchy also washed ashore terrible historical "monster", ruthless in the fanatical devotion to false idea — the Bolshevism. But the tradition of squabbles, to a huge regret, remained and until now. That there are two conflicting literary unions to Russian Federation and four organizations of writers in Irkutsk!

Between writers at a forum of special disagreements was not, though not everything was smooth. In someone caused suspicion that in Irkutsk there are writing and even receiving high literary awards businessmen. I, and also the deputy of City Council Korenev Youri became such Russian wonder, of course.

Should be explained that to participate in a forum us invited at the last minute when reception of manuscripts and books was almost complete. At me, obviously, worked that circumstance that fragments from my books were printed in the Our Contemporary magazine and got a positive response both from an editorial board, and from readers. The benefit that the editor of department of journalism Kazintsev Alexander Ivanovich was the participant of a forum and could, in case of doubts, confirm this information.


Someone, what here a sin to conceal, mine not the most Slavic surname, but also my gallery with the central exposition of the great master, but, alas, surprised also not orthodox Namdakov Dashi. Fighters for purity of a genre managed to be calmed the book which has appeared in time to the holiday of my chosen verses "Intimate" in which come to life both orthodox temples, and priests, and angels, and the main thing, Christian feelings. Verses pleased to participants of a forum — in particular, to Vampilov Alexander :

Eternal light

Vampilova A.

How many we flying to infinity,
Questioned: "Why, the Creator, You grant to
of Mirozdanyyu eternity,
Well and to us — only flash and the end? "

"Stars are mortal — the voice me answered
with the Moonlight night in silence forest —
That the Lord once zateplil,
stores That in the heavenly storeroom.

All constellations in krugoverti a decay,
their flickering light Is eternal only.
And souls, having escaped from captivity,
Rush to God, and the end to them is not present! "

So hot applause on delivery of "Hero" met the poem loved by me Zinovyev Nicholas, by the marked-out Rasputin Valentine when in companies with the academician-sculptor Pereyaslavets Mikhail and the poet Gayda Gennady, so, and with verses, we discussed a monument to our great playwright:

Long ago on mi? ru the hearing creeps,
In minds having been born not in the poor:
Russian Federation will fall soon.
have not fun beforehand!
If will fall — will press down many.

A may be, as all.
That, except a wet trace?
Then remains from the world?

of the Moth? tes it is better, misters?
For our Russia, and that — trouble.
So to me are prophesied by lira.

the Monument became the first and for Yakovlev Alexander , and the first in Irkutsk, built on a private initiative and on ours with friends businessmen of means.

"Came true" I and for "Buddhist" art. Having proved that Namdakov Dashi feel and displays a rumble of all times — from hoary antiquity, the coeval of pagan work "Tale of Igor's Campaign" deeply esteemed by us, and even rock paintings of far ancestors — before modern works of the Italian period of his creativity. There is in its asset and a sculpture of the Saint grand duke equal to the apostles Ivashkovsky Vladimir. And it does not avoid orthodox temples.

But the main thing, of course, that each work Namdakov Dashi represents a model of high art and immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of myths, legends and real life. Small debate on this subject, fortunately without lightnings, relieved the forum tension. Especially as during a farewell dinner from a hall of sculptures of our gallery at the gathered looked both Gogol, and the protopriest Habakkuk, and the angels executed from a cedar by the remarkable Irkutsk sculptor, the deserved artist Russian Federation Serikov Leo. Questions and contradictions disappeared by itself. Art reconciled all.

— Time art of all reconciled, whether you are going to participate in work of "The gold hero" next year?

— Yes, certainly. As speak, the first step is the hardest. Literally now in the same Veche publishing house in Moscow is published my third publicistic book "Cover. From currency drudgeries to the Baikal miracle Namdakov Dashi".

This book, certainly, does not concede

already received awards, and in something and surpasses them. In it troubles of the businessmen having on pleasure earlier are shown, and now is frequent on the mountain currency accounts which can be easily expropriated by the state by means of incredible penalties. In a popular form the echo of the high financial voltage connected with Bitkoin and other Cryptocurrency reaches the reader, with collisions, monetary and even human victims on securities market.

businesses will be Not less fascinating to get acquainted to the reader and with police orgy around, with "masks shows", machine guns, searches and the vessels organized sometimes where does not smell as a crime, but smells sweet as bribes about which Vladimir Putin spoke. From his words provided in the book, follows that 85 percent of all criminal cases against businessmen come to an end with requisitions. Generally, as the name of once popular movie says, "rich too cry".

can Have a rest soul in love, in creativity and in art. The third section of the book is devoted to this spiritual pole of life of the author, and also mysticism and peripetias of uncommon destiny of the great sculptor, our fellow countryman Namdakov Dashi and to our joint project on creation on Olkhon sculptures "the Keeper of Baikal". I think that it will be possible to give on competition 2018 and the book of my chosen verses "Intimate". The verses which have entered the book, according to my friends writers, differ warm-heartedness and sharp thought pulsing in them.

— These books as I understood, are already complete. Where they can be got?

— Books always available in our gallery of the modern art known to all reading inhabitants of Irkutsk, and also in Prodalit bookstores, in our retail networks "Grapes» and "Bagira".

I Think that the fourth book will be about peripetias in business friends - businessmen, in particular, such uncommon and creative person, as Dmitriev Vladimir Aleksandrovich, the close friend Namdakov Dashi. Despite its youth, it is quite possible to tell about it words Yesenin Sergei: "As roads are much passable! ". Stanza continuation: "As it is much made mistakes", fortunately, not about it, though each of us, undoubtedly, has them. But it is more interesting to those both the book, and destiny of the real literary hero with a vast experience of defeats, and the main thing — victories.

— This high award is expensive to you something else, except its literary importance?

— It is very symbolical that "The silver hero" — is the second award in life which is handed over to me at the same theater at huge gathering of people. From the first, very much expensive awards — the passing Red Banner which has been handed over to the youngest foreman of the defensive enterprise of "Radiozavod" for a victory in factory socialist competition — "Hero" separate 40 quickly flown, but the years fantastically rich in events, allowed to save up not only production and administrative experience, but also huge spiritual baggage.

the way thorny, sense full,
of Hours from a chasm hearing fight,
Ya melted into honey spiritual,
to divide it with you.

Yes, with you, or with you, expensive not the glossy and glamourous intellectual reader!

Burenkova Olga, specially for
for Newspaper Irkutsk region "Baykalskiye vesti" Talked.

of the Photo Ushakova Ian, Newspaper Irkutsk region "Baykalskiye vesti", and author.

On a photo: Burlyaev Nicholas Petrovich hands over
"Silver hero" to Bronshteyn Victor

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Main activity:Businessman
Bronshteyn Victor
Rasputin Valentine
Russian Union of Journalists
Main activity:Science and education