Main town: The fund Stolypin Petr wants "to enrich" Barnaul with a monument to "founding father"

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Monument to Pyotr Stolypin in Chelyabinsk. The similar monument can appear in Barnaul
the Monument to Stolypin Petr in Chelyabinsk. The similar monument can appear in Barnaul
the Fund of studying of heritage of P. A. Stolypin intends to establish to

R. O. F. of studying of heritage of P. A. Stolypin in the Russian regions which are obliged to the imperial official by the development at the beginning of XX of an eyelid. As the president of fund Pawel Pozhigaylo considers, first of all the monument needs to be established in Barnaul. The organization is ready to make own investments, but the main part is planned to collect at the expense of donations, reports "newspaper "Kommersant" South Ural".

on November 22, after several transfers, in Chelyabinsk the monument to the chairman of the board of ministers of the Russian Empire Stolypin Petr has to open. The initiative of creation of a monument was taken by Fund of studying of heritage Stolypin Petr. The presentation of a monument is dated for the 111 anniversary of stolypinsky reforms, Pawel Pozhigaylo told. According to him, this monument — the first in the list of possible monuments which Russian Federation is planned to establish in the cities on which stolypinsky reforms had impact.

Mr. Pawel Pozhigaylo noted that Barnaul has to become the following city where there can be a monument to the statesman. "It would be correct to establish a monument in Barnaul because Altai territory appeared thanks to Stolypin Petr. Two thousand settlements in two years, the main town of settling — it, of course, Barnaul were built. At us not really rich organization is not a lot of money, actually, we. But we will try, maybe, the people will support" — Pawel Pozhigaylo summarized.

According to him, production and monument installation in Chelyabinsk managed in the small sum — 30 million rubles. "The fund enclosed 15 million rubles from which we collected about 2 million rubles from people from Chelyabinsk region. Still somewhere 15 million rubles were enclosed by the city — generally in improvement. Figure — our gift to the city. The territory, pedestal — these expenses were assumed by the city. For comparison, the monument Stolypin Petr in Moscow cost about 100 million rubles. Therefore we kept within record-breaking low costs, 30 million rubles for a monument — are a record" — the president of fund of studying of heritage Stolypin Petr emphasized.

we Will note

that in Barnaul already there is a "stolypinsky" monument — a monument to the immigrants who have arrived to Altai territory in days of stolypinsky reforms which officially is called to "its Majesty Krestyaninu". It opened on the area Of October Barnaul in September of the 2012th year, having dated for the 150 anniversary Stolypin Petr and to the 75 anniversary Altai territory. "It is quite natural that the monument to peasants immigrants is established on our earth. It is a tribute to the memory of our ancestors, after all overwhelming number of inhabitants Altai territory are descendants of immigrants. Moreover, natives of families of peasants immigrants are our many outstanding figures – Mikhail Kalashnikov, Titov Herman, Shukshin Vasilii and many others, left the noticeable trace in the history Altai territory and Russian Federation" — was told then by the governor Alexander Karlin.

we Will remind

that to the 80 anniversary of the region did without presentations of monuments.

of the Photo: newspaper "Kommersant"


Pamyatnik to Stolypin Petr in Chelyabinsk mounted at the beginning of September in the square about a hall of organ and chamber music "Homeland" where year the pedestal was established earlier. Stolypin Petr cast a figure from bronze in Smolensk at Olaks plant "OLAKS". The project was developed by the sculptor Plokhotsky Anton. Height of a monument makes 8,56 m with a pedestal, height of a bronze figure — 3,56 m. The basis of a monument is decorated with four pig-iron bas-reliefs. The governor Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky said that "reforms Stolypin Petr gave the most powerful impulse to development territories of the Urals, Siberia, Northern Kazakhstan".