Poles against sorosovsky doctrines

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March in Warsaw on the occasion of the Independence Day © information agency "RIA Novosti", Vitvitsky Aleksey | Poland , perhaps, with the only country in the world which underwent furious attacks only that her inhabitants want to celebrate the national holiday began to Pass into photobank


the Independence Day once again did not become an occasion in common to be glad for free Poland, and gave an impetus to a groundless naveshivaniye of labels on us. The same lampoonists who extend the concept "Polish death camp" in the foreign press, try to expose after each March of independence Poles in an image of nationalists, to be exact, racists and fascists, after all such words will cause special shock in Argentina, Japan or Lesotho.

it From where undertakes at first sight senseless aspiration with such rage to castigate us on the global arena? Why to someone comes to mind to thrust the poisoned knifes of empty charges in backs to the families which have left for peace demonstration with children? To whom stirs what through Warsaw there pass march people with white-red flags and the slogan "We Want God"?

here we approach

I to the main point. Poland gets in the way of consortium gradually leaving a shadow which seeks to establish the world order. Among those who did not sustain tension and ceased to disappear, it is possible to call at least George Soros which dispelled doubts about that, from where take money pseudo-charity foundations. After a victory of "Law and Justice" Party (PiS) at presidential and parliamentary elections (allowed it to govern, without entering the senseless coalitions) to it had to refuse the help highly paid klevretov, whose task consisted in arranging the Maidan and to provoke disorders which will lead to putsch. The plan failed, and Poles showed to George Soros and to his companions a nose, having left on the Independence Day under Christian and patriotic slogans.

They show to

the commitment to values which, according to sorosovsky doctrines, it is necessary to bury in oblivion. In recent years in Europe launched the campaign urged by means of new resettlement of the people to turn the continent in a supranational conglomerate of "modern" individuals. The individuals deprived of belief, national consciousness and allowing to manipulate itself by means of aggressive technological novelties. Social networks which open unlimited opportunities for contacts, at the same time become a place of distribution of ideology and a world outlook infection.

B Poland the operation paid world financial zakulisy, failed. It will not turn out any more as it happened at the president Komorovsk (Bronisław Komorowski) and to its premiere Donald Tusk (Donald Tusk), to set on peace march of bandits and to turn it into street riots. Nedobitkov from "Committee of protection of democracy" and any new "Citizens of the Polish Republic" (however, them the ridiculous quantity gathered) shipped in police cars and took out to rather remote place that renegade performances did not disturb carrying out legal demonstration.

the Warsaw mayor Hannah Gronkevich-Valts (Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz) tried to make by

something with the permission to the march organization to deserve a praise George Soros, but did not cope with this task. It was not succeeded to stir up water and to "the king of Europe" Donald Tusk who hoped cynically to be connected to game between the presidential palace and the government "The right and Justice". He did not receive a good place on a tribune, and to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier it had to assign a wreath under whistle and a rumble of the gathered public. It was not too beautifully, however, the mood of crowd can serve as an indicator as the political position Donald Tusk in the homeland now looks. The journalist Pyotr Stasinsky (Piotr Stasiński) fell after march into such hysterics that with mad gloss in eyes poured on air of the channel TVN24 blasphemies.

our barefaced triumph concerning possession own state (and in the last centuries we not always could brag of it) causes improbable irritation in circles of "tolerant" foreign conspirators colonialists. We should guard further the independence, after all as the president reminded, nothing is given once and for all.

charges Sounding on the international scene of fascism, anti-Semitism and various lawlessness, leave the trace. Unfortunately, these insinuations proceed from Poland. Mass media of last mode go all out to discredit March of independence and to cause disgust for our national holiday. It is necessary to be engaged in them at last. It is impossible that those who has to play a role of outcasts in the media market, remained with us a so-called mainstream.

In a year we will note century from the date of independence restoration. Anniversary becomes especially solemn if everyone decides to pass in uniform white-red march headed by the president and leading politicians. It will be a symbol of our gratitude to generation of legionaries which brought us freedom after 123 years of sections.

I that the most important, any mass media should not have the right to offend us in our own country, calling fascists and racists. It is absolutely inadmissible. We are not able to afford to boss to shameless persons, which, apparently, our independence not to taste.