On November 14 – the scientific and practical conference devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Chuvash state academic drama theater of K.V. Ivanov

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on November 14 of this year Ministry cultures, for nationalities and archiving Chuvash Republic, the Chuvash state institute of the humanities, the Chuvash state academic drama theater hold the scientific and practical conference devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Chuvash state academic drama theater of K.V. Ivanov .

planned speeches of the Minister of Culture, for nationalities and archiving Chuvash Republic Yakovlev Konstantin, the art director of theater, the national actor of the USSR Yakovleva Valeria.

reports and messages will be made by employees as of the Chuvash state institute of the humanities – the doctor of art criticism Kondratyev Mikhail ("The theater phenomenon to the people"), Candidate of Philology Kirillova Irina ("Modern Chuvash dramatic art on ChGADT scene"), the candidate of art criticism Bushueva Lyubov ("ChGADT and national musical art"), the candidate of art criticism Mordvinova Antonina ("Scenography art at theaters Chuvash Republic"), the candidate of historical sciences Gusarov Youri ("About the early period of history ChGADT"), the honored worker of culture Russian Federation and Chuvash Republic Leontyev Aleksey ("About formation of the Chuvash theater in Hypar newspaper materials), Mitina Maria ("ChGADT in the XXI century"), Candidate of Philology Nikiforova Vera ("Propaganda dramatic art and the Chuvash theater of the 1920-1930th").

the honored worker of arts Chuvash Republic as Dmitriev Joseph ("Idea of theater in the history of Chuvash Republic"), the honored artist Chuvash Republic Kirillov V. ("About the draft of the theatrical encyclopedia Chuvash Republic"), the honored worker of culture Chuvash Republic Kugurakov I. ("The theatrical artist Dmitriev P. D.") Also will act.

Will organize the photo exhibition devoted to a career of theater, scenes from theater performances are shown.

Conference is held by

in the Blue foyer of the Chuvash state academic drama theater on November 14.

Beginning at 13:00.

Contact ph.: 8(8352) 45-00-10; e-mail: .