Dobrotvorsky Igor: Our long dream to restore park will be achieved thanks to support of the regional management

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"Our long dream to restore park will be achieved thanks to support of the regional management" — were declared by the head of administration Lyskova Dobrotvorsky Igor, making comments on work of the federal project "Comfortable Urban Environment".

"Revival of city park for us is very significant, - Dobrotvorsky Igor declared. - Many to the lyskovchena remember what it was earlier — children's attractions, the cascade of ponds. Now the park will be reconstructed according to the Comfortable Urban Environment program. We developed the design project where vacation spots for different age categories are provided — and convenient benches for rest, both children's corners, and sports grounds together with bicycle paths for youth.

our long dream to restore park will be achieved by

only thanks to support of the regional management. Financing which ourselves could offer, does not correspond to volume, sufficient that the park could lead full life. And now, I am sure, our park will change and will be the favourite vacation spot of all lyskovchan".

we Will remind

, chapter Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin following the results of the meeting devoted to implementation of the federal priority project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment", put before MINISTRY POWER ENGINEERING SPECIALISTS AND HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES ESTABLISHMENT NIZHNY NOVGOROD REGION a task to develop public spaces in the large and small cities Nizhny Novgorod region. Besides, the Ministry of Energy and Household management company should develop the standard project of improvement of domestic territories.