Industrialists discussed with Alexander Burkov economic development Omsk

@MK.RU Omsk
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The day before the meeting Alexander Burkov with members OAPP took place on which discussed branch and candidate problems on a post of the mayor.

I Will meet

the head of the region of the beginnings of that called the industry the basis of the economy Omsk region and her pride. It reminded that from additional funds in 8,5 billion rubles, allocated by Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, 6,2 billion rubles is planned to aim at development the region. Therefore Alexander Burkov waits from heads of the enterprises of constructive proposals who will allow to make investments in the projects, capable to give through five, ten years economic and social effect.

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of the Acting the governor was interested in branch problems: as the defensive order is carried out as the enterprises interact with the local higher education institutions, what support give to young specialists.

the Chairman of public organization "OAPP" Murakhovsky Grigory so commented on a meeting: "We spoke about the defensive order. Because volumes state orders after 2025 will decrease, it is necessary to prepare replacement – to begin release of civil production. The head of the region instructed – to work this question with the relevant ministries, and we will discuss how to create development fund productions which our enterprises will be able to use beforehand to start mastering release of civil production".

Besides the questions concerning support of leading enterprises Omsk region, the head of the region took an interest in opinion of large industrialists on candidates on a post of the regional minister of ecology and the mayor Omsk.

on a post of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection members of association promised Candidate

to present soon, and here the opinion on qualities of future town governor shared willingly.

So, Shishkin Dimitri , director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VYSOKIYE TEKHNOLOGII", the deputy Legislative assembly of Omsk region emphasized that among all applicants the candidate Fadina Oksana , the acting regional Minister of Economics favourably differs. Its strengths in ability to solve multiparameter problems when it is important to consider influence of different factors at each other, and in ability to structure any problem. "We consider, these qualities will allow Fadina Oksana effectively to operate the city" — Shishkin Dimitri summed up.

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