Veon downloaded 1,3 million times

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"Vympelcom" Appendix Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" Veon downloaded to Russian Federation 1,3 million people, director general reported Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" Shell Morten Jönsson. This figure - only the loadings, what number of users really works with the appendix, data are not present." We want to reach that Veon not simply loaded, and constantly used our appendix", - Shell Morten noted.

According to him, company will continue to invest in development appendices in Rossi and other countries. Shell Morten added that Veon prepares for start in five countries soon.

the Executive vice-president for development the mass market Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" Marek Slachik added that the main efforts are focused on development partnership with other companies in one appendix." We set as the purpose with various partners to build intellectual platform, based on targeting. All of us time work over Veon optimization", - he commented.

B Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" explain that the increase in the expenses connected with a conclusion to the Veon market, has to have negative impact on profitability on EBITDA on the period until the end of the current year. Let's remind that in September of this year Open joint-stock company "Vympel-Kommunikatsii" started a national advertizing campaign on Veon advance (the interntet-platform was available from the second half of summer).

In May of this year holding chapter Veon Zhan-Iv Sharlye reported that company plans to invest in the Veon appendix about 100 million dollars every year within the next several years. He then added that it is rather small sums in comparison with cumulative investments companies in telekomunikatsiony business.

the Expert of MForum Boyko Aleksey noted that the number of downloadings the appendix does not mean that at Veon to Russian Federation there are so much real users. Their number can not exceed several hundred thousands as not everything who tried the appendix, became his constant users.

In his opinion, Veon are provided to users by possibility of receiving a number of useful services, such as mobile television or discounts from partners. From shortcomings as considers Boyko Aleksey, the main is that the appendix was late with entry into the market for some years." Now for realization of various needs of subscribers there are many ways and not it is convenient to all to get to them access through a uniform entry point. If your child communicates with you through Snapchat, the wife through WhatsApp familiar - in Facebook-messenger, parents through Hangout or Skype, hardly it is possible to hope that all of them will pass to Veon", - he commented. According to the expert, product, most likely, remains niche, but this niche can be the different size." The speech can go about hundred thousands of users and if it goes over time and to millions, company, probably, will consider platform start successful," - he concluded.

of Veon is the new global multipurpose platform started by holding by Veon (earlier known as VimpelCom Ltd.) summer of this year. She offers users of opportunity for communication, entertainments, purchases both many other services and the functions demanded by users on Internet. In further Veon plan to develop, adding in it new functionality, and in an ideal it has to become the main appendix on the smartphone of the subscriber in which he will receive everything that it is necessary for it, instead of will switch over between separate appendices of these or those services.

Source: informational and analytical agency "TelecomDaily"