Sakhalin region prepares for arrival of legendary athletes

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the Sakhalin authorities discussed the forthcoming reception of delegation of the Russian union of athletes - prize-winners and winners of the Olympic Games. Their arrival call a grandiose event for the island region, reported Pacific information agency "Ostrova" in the ministry of sports and youth policy.

on May 17 to Sakhalin region there arrives a big landing of Olympians, legends of the Soviet and world sports. Headed by the head of the All-Russian charitable program "The Olympic Legends — to Children and Youth Russian Federation" Boyarskaya Natalia Insular region will visit the triple Olympic champion in track and field athletics Kazankina Tatyana, the double Olympic champion in volleyball Smoleeva Nina, the Olympic champion in biathlon Kukleva Galina, the Olympic champion in letky athletics Nurutdinova Lilia, the president of MFSO "Spartak", the prize-winner of the Olympic Games on rowing Aleshina Anna, the triple prize-winner of the Olympic Games on rowing Antonina, the Olympic champion in bobsled Kozlov Vladimir, the Olympic champion in cycling Semenets Vladimir, Olympic champion in weightlifting Zakharevich Youri, Olympic champion in bullet firing Nestruev Mikhail.

according to the director of the department of physical culture and sport of the ministry of sports and youth policy Sakhalin region Radygina Irina, it is necessary to build accurate interaction between experts minsporta and the staff of municipalities for effective use of time during which the delegation will be on Sakhalin region.

- At schools, sports establishments, it is necessary to inform all pupils, athletes that there will take place meetings with sports legends, champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games. It is important as for the purpose of physical culture and sport promotion and to involve children in regular sports activities, - Radygina Irina emphasized.

Voyage on the Sakhalin earth Olympians will begin

on May 17. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk they will visit school on Greco-Roman wrestling, and also will visit the volleyball center "Sakhalin". In the same day they are expected by reception at the minister of sports and youth policy Sakhalin region Zaytsev Anton.

on May 18 the delegation will go in Korsakov. Meetings with pupils of schools and athletes will take place in SOSH№2, No. 1, No. 6 and No. 4, Childhood and youth house , and also in Sports kompleks.

on May 19 Olympians will communicate again to the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk school students. Pupils of SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 1, No. 22, No. 26 and No. 3, lyceum No. 1, and also pupils of 1 and 2 gymnasiums become participants of a meeting.

on May 20 eminent athletes will visit Aniva and Dolinsk. In Aniva meetings will take place in regional Recreation center and SOSH№2. In turn, in Dolinsk for guests will wait in the cinema and concert Russia hall.

on May 22 the delegation will visit Nevelsk and Gornozavodsk. In Nevelsk Olympians will answer questions of pupils SOSH№3, and also will share secrets of the success with pupils of DYuSSh, and in Gornozavodsk they will be looked forward by pupils of the polytechnical center and high comprehensive school.


- Colleagues, it not an ordinary event in life of sports community of your municipalities therefore, think up as it is possible to welcome guests, in advance prepare posters, cards for the autographs, any souvenirs for memory. By the way, the book about your area, becomes a good gift to our guests, - Radygina Irina recommended.

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Tatyana Kazankina
Last position: Vice chairman of the board (Regional non-governmental organization "OSSPb")
Natalia Boyarsky
Last position: The chief of team - the senior coach of team (on cycling and a thriathlon) (FAU MO RF TSSKA)
Галина Алексеевна Куклева
Last position: Professor of department of technologies of sports activity (FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "TYUMENSKY STATE UNIVERSITY", TYUMEN CITY STATE UNIVERSITY, TYUMGU)
Yandex LLC
Main activity:Communication and IT
MFSO "Spartak"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Childhood and youth house
District culture center