Pawel Aleksandrovich Kulizhnikov will begin the Olympic season running on 500 m with Myulder Ronald

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the Trekhratny world champion Pawel Aleksandrovich Kulizhnikov starts

in the World Cup-2017/18 from running on 500 m in Herenvena. The prize-winner of the Olympic Games to Sochi Myulder Ronald becomes his rival.

Murashov Ruslan comes for start with Dutch Hayn Otterspeer, Fatkulina Olga will run 500 m with the champion Europe Carolina Erbanova, Golikova Angelina are started at this distance with Japanese Erina Kamiya, by Kazelina Elizabeth - with the Dutchwoman Yanin Smith.

In man's team race Russians will run a distance with China, and in the female Russian come for start with Germans.

Ruslan Nikolaevich Murashov
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Elizabeth Golubev
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Pavel Aleksandrovich Kulizhnikov
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Ronald Myulder
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating