100 anniversary of educations services. On November 10 the Shakhty police officers will celebrate a professional holiday

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100 anniversary of formation of service. On November 10 the Shakhty police officers will celebrate a professional holiday

For – safety, tranquillity and wellbeing of citizens! On November 10 the Russian law enforcement officers will celebrate day of the employee of law-enforcement bodies. services the collective of city UMVD congratulates on the 100 anniversary of educations an administrative board of the Shakhty police.

Fetisov Arthur, the chief of UMVD Russian Federation on Shakhty: "Huge gratitude... "

33 the channel this year will congratulate the Shakhty police officers on a professional holiday the special project devoted to the 100 anniversary of educations of service. Pokatilova Inna "Under laws of an office debt" leaves in efir10 November, at once upon termination of news.

Arthur Mikhaylovich Fetisov
Last position: Chief (Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Shakhty city)
Pokatilova Inna