Monument to Stolypin Petr will open today in Chelyabinsk

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V Chelyabinsk today, on November 9, the ceremony of opening of a monument to Stolypin Petr will take place. The South Ural capital becomes the fourth city of our country where the monument to the chairman of the board of ministers of the Russian Empire (1906-1911) is established.

the Mortgage stone in the future basis to a monument established in April, 2015. As the initiator of perpetuating in South Ural memories of the prominent statesman R. O. F. of studying of heritage of P. A. Stolypin acted. He assumed part of financing. The contribution was brought also by donations of citizens, reported in the press service of Ministry science and education Chelyabinsk region.

At idea discussion the Chelyabinsk public expressed to

opinion that the city "is not spoiled by monumental monuments therefore emergence of a sculpture would decorate Chelyabinsk", noted in the press service.

the Monument is established to

in the downtown, on the river embankment Miass, near the organ Homeland hall.


the Author of the project of a monument the architect-sculptor Plokhotsky Anton acted. Sculpture and bas-reliefs cast from bronze in Smolensk.

In September the monument is transferred to

by the decision of deputies of City Council to operational management of MBU "Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage Chelyabinsk".

According to historical data, the head of the government of the Russian Empire Stolypin Petr visited Chelyabinsk in August, 1910 with inspection of one of the largest in the country of the resettlement points created within the program initiated by the prime minister of settling of the empty States of Siberia and Far East as by one of components of agrarian reforms.