All truth about provision of housing for orphan children and children without parental support

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All truth about provision of housing for orphan children and children without parental support Life of orphans always was unsweetened, maybe, therefore so many fairy tales where the orphan wins, receive in an award the imperial daughter and half-kingdoms in addition. The reality is much more sad. Here and with provision of housing too yet everything turns out. Though orphan children (theoretically! ) always had the right to housing, but practically it was difficult for them to carry out the right. Such situation had to change during implementation of the "About Provision of Housing for Orphan Children and Children Without Parental Support, in the Territory of Tyva Republic" program. And now we will look as far as it changed.

Light at the end of the tunnel

This light (at the end of the tunnel) appeared in 2012 together with the new Federal law of February 29, 2012. No. 15 "About modification of separate acts Russian Federation regarding providing with premises of orphan children and children without parental support".

on the basis of its steel to appear new laws and programs in different regions. At us: "Social protection of a family and children for 2014-2016" and "Social protection of a family and children for 2017-2020". In them implementation of subprogrammes about housing for orphan children is provided.

the State customer – the coordinator and the executive – Family and Children Agency of the Tyva Republic. The agency, clearly, cannot build therefore as collaborators act the construction Ministry, the Ministry of the land and property relations and local governments.

But this far light at the end of the tunnel and remained far for many families of orphan children. And, if to continue comparison with light, there was enough of families which, having received housing, light not vzvideli in literal and figurative sense.

Years and houses

Construction of houses began

in 2013.

within realization of a state program constructed 299 premises.

determined construction (acquisition) of 404 premises and all 404 rooms are built.

Began excellent, we go further!

determined construction (acquisition) of 170 premises, 109 rooms are built of them.

Already we brake

? Why? On 16 rooms the supplier (the contract organization State Budgetary Institution RT UKS, subcontract organization LLC "Atlant-Stroyservis") did not fulfill the obligations in Kyzyl to the kozhuyena (in the village Kara-Haak – 2, Shambalyg – 4 (one house burned down), Cherbi - Eerbek – 2, Terlig-Huy – 2, Bayan-Kol – 2) and in Ulug-Hemsky – in Shagonar 2 rooms are not constructed. Now law enforcement agencies hold investigative events.

Kyzyl too we brake

B Kyzyl for the reasons known only for it still did not build the house to the address: Druzhby St., 3/6.

All truth about provision of housing for orphan children and children without parental support Pressed on brakes …

business became farther even more to be stopped.

B determined 2016 construction (acquisition) of 176 premises, 63 rooms are built of them.

Now (at the end of 2017! ) there is a construction of three apartment houses where will 51 rooms in Kyzyl, on st. Kaa-Hem, 90a, 90b, 90v are acquired. Contractor LLC "Stroykonsalting". Date of performance – December 2017. Extent of performance of objects: 90a – 60%, 90b – 40%, 90v – 25%. Construction goes slowly. But hope that houses will be leased in time while is.

Problem still have building on Druzhby St., 3/6. The hope, of course, always is, but in this case it any illusive.

For 2017 from federal budgets subsidies for 163 premises are provided to

. 27 state contracts on acquisition (construction) of 163 rooms in 18 municipalities are signed.

Chaa-Holsky kozhuun – 4 rooms, Chedi-Holsky – 4 rooms, Kaa-Hemsky – 4 rooms, Kyzyl – 13 rooms, Dzun-Hemchiksky – 4 rooms, Pius-Hemsky – 6 rooms, Barun-Hemchiksky – 6 rooms, Tes-Hemsky – 10 rooms, Ulug-Hemsky – 8 rooms, Bai-Tayginsky – 8 rooms, Mongun-Tayginsky – 6 rooms, Erzinsky – 4 rooms, Sut-Holsky – 8 rooms, Ovyursky – 4 rooms, Tandinsky – 8 rooms, Todzhinsky – 4 rooms, Ak-Dovurak – 6 rooms, Kyzyl – 48 rooms.

B kozhuunakh there is a construction by normal rates, and many houses are already ready, others will be put in operation this year. But not in Kyzyl. In Kyzyl (48 rooms on Irkutskaya Street) it is planned to hand over in May, 2018.

All truth about provision of housing for orphan children and children without parental support And balls in temnote…

«Schastlivtsy» which have received houses in the first years of implementation of the program, were very glad. Ceremony of delivery of keys – solemn, new houses are decorated with balls … But there came evening, guests and builders dispersed, and new settlers remained with balls and in the dark. Because the electricity was not connected. Our newspaper wrote about it much and often since that 2013. In some houses for years lived either without electricity, or with electricity which was connected absolutely illegally.

B 2016 of passion on electricity passed into public prosecutor's offices. Builders considered that municipal authorities have to connect to electricity, municipals insisted that builders have to do it. Prosecutor's office investigated everything and directed affairs to courts.

To administration Chaa-Hol district court assigned a duty: to connect to the apartment power supply networks, allocated to orphan children. The prosecutor Ulug-Khemsky district appealed to court with the statement of claim in which the question of compulsion of administration Ulug-Khemsky district to connection of houses to power supply networks is raised. Prosecutor's office Ovyursky district Tyva Republic sent the statement of claim to regional court about compulsion of administration Ovyursky areas to connection to power supply networks. And in Chedi-Hole – on the contrary. And on a site of prosecutor's offices there is a news – "In Tyva Republic prosecutor's office through court forces the Public state institution to connect houses for orphan children to electricity" (on May 04, 2016). On our site in more detail – "The grandma in a hat and electricity in houses for orphan children" - on May 19, 2016.

we Will repeat

– houses began to build since 2013. But only in 2017 approved the plan of measures on ensuring power supply houses of orphan children.

Now with it problems already are not present


But there are other problems. For example, in Kyzyl one house was built on a rough surface. The yard all in ruts, the porch warped and smoothly drove off from the house. In other settlement the earth for construction allocated where warehouses with different chemicals took place earlier. In many villages – problems with water. If it also is, is far.

Where millions

ran away To editorial office of our newspaper often people with a question come: "Where millions allocated for construction of houses for orphan children got to". If it is honest, we have some suspicions … But we cannot sound them, for one simple reason – can recognize someone in assignment of the budget money (as well as in any other crime) only court. And only when all judicial proceedings will terminate, we will be able to tell the names of all because of whom houses for orphan children were not built in time.

Kachan I.