Aleksey Orlov and world champions in a greppling Vladimirova Olga

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In the House Government RK the meeting of Chapter Republic of Kalmykia Aleksey Orlov and world champions in a greppling Vladimirova Olga took place. In conversation with the head of the republic Vladimirova Olga told about the successful participation on various tournaments, and also shared future plans. In particular, Vladimirova Olga told the Head of the republic about the victory on commercial tournament in China in which she won the Champion China by rules MMA.VO to a meeting also Vladimirova Olga Kaznaev Alexander , the Minister of sports and youth policy of RK Shikeev Dordzhi took part the trainer...
Aleksey Orlov
Last position: Senator from executive body of the government of the Republic of Kalmykia (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Vladimirova Olga
Kaznaev Alexander
Shikeev Dordzhi
University Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia
Main activity:Science and education
Government RK
Government Agency