The German cinema in Petrozavodsk: festival of spectator sympathies 2017

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of 24 weeks

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the German cinema in Petrozavodsk

Немецкое кино в Петрозаводске

of Kinoprogramm "The German cinema: the festival of spectator sympathies 2017" submits the latest movies from Germany which had a great success in the homeland, but did not reach wide Russian release.

the program Purpose – to acquaint the audience with the main tendencies in modern German cinema, to tell about its main subjects and artistic touches, about talented actors and directors. All tapes already underwent peculiar "testing for durability": these are the pictures which have received the best comments at an annual Festival of the German cinema in Saint Petersburg. All of them are participants of the largest world film festivals, prize-winners and nominees of the award "Lola" – the German analog of "Oscar". Each session is accompanied by introductory lecture of the film critic, the consultant Festival of the German cinema in Saint Petersburg Reutova Xenia. Displays will take place from November 9 to November 12 in Premier movie theater and Agriculture club.

the tragicomedy "I and Kaminski" – the inventive biography of world-wide unknown artist invented by the German writer by Kelman Danielle Will open the program. In the novel according to which the movie is put, Kaminski is described as the pupil Matiss Anri, the friend Pikasso Pablo and the competitor Uorkhol Andy. The XXI century immerses the genius in oblivion from which the crafty journalist Tselner Sebastian wants to pull out it, dreaming to write the book about the artist and by that to become famous. In this movie there was a reunion of the team working over the main German hit 2000th "Goode Bai, Lenin! ": Bekker Wolfgang became the director, and the leading role was played by the actor Bryul Danielle. Besides, the cast of a tape was strengthened by such stars, as Jesper Christensen, Lavan Deni and Chaplina Dzheraldin.

Hello from Prefecture of Fukushima

Привет из Фукусимы

Ya - Kaminski

Я - Камински

the Subject of the artist and time will be continued by the historical drama Shrader Maria "Tsveyg Stephane: Farewell to Europe". The movie tells about the last years the Austrian writer Tsveyg Stephane, compelled after coming to power of national socialists to leave from Europe. He adored traveling to pre-war time and by right considered itself as "the citizen of the world". However emigration is not similar to a trip: torn off from roots and the writer taking World War II events slowly dies away, having been unable hard to cope with melancholy for the house. The tragedy Tsveyg Stephane is developed against paradise landscapes Brazil – the country with which he sincerely fell in love, but could not make the second homeland.

Other movies of the program are united by a subject of society and traditions: the German cinema scrupulously investigates as well as on what in the modern world human communications are based. In Asla Ozge's thriller "Out of the blue" the bank employee becomes the only witness of death of the young girl – and at the same time only suspect of her death. Whether the hero is guilty, anybody up to the end does not understand, however the innocence presumption in a small town where all know each other, simply does not exist: or you will overcome public opinion, or it will overcome you. Asla Ozge with a ruthless accuracy fixes unsteadiness of modern foundations. During only a few moments all their support turn into the complete antithesis: love – in hatred, tolerance – in xenophobia, trust – in suspiciousness.

Out of the blue

На ровном месте

Tsveyg Stephane Farewell to Europe

Стефан Цвейг Прощание с Европой

"24 weeks" Anna Zokhra Berrashed – a picture about motherhood and the hardest moral choice. The main character, popular stendap-komediantka, prepares for the birth of the second child and suddenly learns that the kid has serious problems with health which in the future hardly will allow it to conduct full-fledged life. For the next one and a half hours all family (and together with them and public in a hall) will reflect, whether it is worth keeping such pregnancy. This spring the drama Berrashed got an award of the German film academy "Lola in the Silver" for the best movie of year.

Authors from Germany adore stories about collision of cultures. One of the best samples of such cinema – "Hello from Prefecture of Fukushima" Doris Derry, the fascinating epic about friendship of the young German which goes to Fukushima which has injured from a tsunami Prefecture of Fukushima as the volunteer, and the last local geisha, not wishing to leave the half-ruined house. Against the German rules against nuclear accident – such you will infrequently see Japanese traditions at movie theater. The role of the geisha was played by a legend of Japanese cinema of Kaori Momoi, a star of movies Kurosava Akira and Sekheya Imamura.


of Heidi


Also the program included the movie for family viewing – "Heidi" Gsponer Alain. The well-known novel Spirya Johanna about the girl savage from the Swiss Alps became long ago classics of German-speaking literature. It picturize approximately once a decade: it is considered that each generation has to have Heidi. In the new version of the audience magic Alpine landscapes, bright paints, touching young actors and great Gants Bruno as the severe grandfather wait. Last year the picture got an award of the German film academy as the best children's movie.

All movies are shown by

in original language with the Russian subtitlings.

Schedule of displays:

Premier Movie theater

Ya and Kaminski

Germany – Belgium, 2015, the tragicomedy, 124 min., the director: Bekker Wolfgang

Person: the film critic Reutova Xenia

on November 9 at 18:00

Out of the blue

Germany – Netherlands, 2016, the thriller, 112 min., the director: Asla Ozge

Person: film critic Reutova Xenia

on November 10 at 18:00

Tsveyg Stephane: Farewell to Europe

Germany – Austria – France, 2016, the drama, 106 min., the director: Shrader Maria

Person: the film critic Reutova Xenia

on November 11 at 18:00

Agriculture <104> Club

of Heidi

Germany – Switzerland, 2015, the family movie, 111 min., the director: Gsponer Alain

on November 11 at 15:00

of 24 weeks

Germany, 2016, drama, 103 min., director: Anna Zokhra Berrashed

Person: the film critic Reutova Xenia

on November 12 at 16:00

Hello from Prefecture of Fukushima

Germany, 2016, the drama, 108 min., the director: Doris Derry

Person: the film critic Reutova Xenia

on November 12 at 19:00

After displays of movies in Agriculture club organizers kinodny and Reutova Xenia will be glad to discuss movies with the audience.