Sumarokov Ilya: Behind any record there is a work of people

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this year agricultural producers Irkutsk region received a record harvest grain – 860 thousand tons. How will reach this result and as the region agriculture next year will develop, the correspondent of information portal "Baykal24" talked to the Minister of Agriculture of area Sumarokov Ilya.

- Than speaks a record harvest of this year? Only favorable weather or also other factors?

- Certainly, not only weather. It, first of all, work of many people. First, we increased the areas of crops of agricultural cultures. In all categories of farms this year 428,9 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops (on 21,2 thousand hectares more, than last year), 13,3 thousand hectares of oil-bearing crops (on 1 thousand hectares it is more) are seeded. Vegetables of an open ground – on 5,8 thousand hectares, potatoes – on 38,5 thousand hectares, forage crops – on 206,5 thousand hectares. Secondly, we paid much attention to preparation of seeds. Seed-growing farms prepared and realized over 14 thousand tons of seeds of the highest reproductions, elite seeds sowed 15% of crops of agricultural cultures. It is one of the highest rates among the Russian regions.

Thirdly, crops were properly fertilized for productivity increase. In total it was brought on the crop's eve of 2017 of 19 thousand tons of nitric and 5,8 thousand tons of difficult mineral fertilizers in physical weight for the sum of 500 million rubles is on 2,5 thousand tons more, than last year. Fourthly, care of plants was made as it is necessary. Before crops 74,7 thousand tons of seeds of grain and leguminous crops (124,5% to the plan) are pickled. On the area of 255,3 thousand hectares chemical weeding (on 14 thousand hectares more, than last year) is carried out. Against wreckers 125 thousand hectares, including against saranchovy – 107 thousand hectares are processed, in 2016 72,6 thousand hectares were processed. Couples on the crop's eve of 2018, mekhtoka, grain stores, the sorting and drying equipment are prepared.

All these actions realized qualitatively and in due time, positively affected a crop. According to preliminary data, grains 860 thousand tons of grain are received, productivity made 20 c/hectare. The highest rate in Cheremkhovo district – 132,1 thousand tons of grain at productivity of 26 c/hectare, then go Kuitun district (123 thousand tons, 24 c/hectare), Alarsky (100 thousand tons, 21 c/hectare), Tulunsky (93,7 thousand tons, 20 c/hectare), Zalari district (79,8 thousand tons. 20 c/hectare).

of Potatoes collected 595 thousand. tons, including the agricultural organizations and country (farmer) farms – 68,5 thousand tons, average productivity is equal 164 c/hectare. Vegetables grew up 154,3 thousand tons, including in the agricultural organizations and farmers – 23,6 thousand tons, productivity is noted at the level of 227 c/hectare.

On the crop's eve of next year prepared 223 thousand hectares of pure vapors, in the necessary volume seeds of grain and leguminous crops are filled up. All this gives confidence that next year the crop will not be lower, we intend to increase cultivated areas, productivity and volumes of productions. At the request of the governor Sergei Levchenko this year we for the first time provided a subsidy for input in a turn of waste lands. And the result already is: 39 thousand hectares so next year we will surely increase cultivated areas are introduced into circulation.

- As business with modernization in agriculture is?

- As for technical policy, this year it was directed on purchase of the modern technological complexes, the newest samples of agricultural machinery and the equipment. Acquisition of equipment is made at the expense of credit resources of banks, economically significant investment projects, grants for beginning farmers. From this year the program for acquisition of agricultural machinery and processing equipment in leasing is renewed. Made competitive selection of agricultural producers who have the right to subsidies from regional budgets for compensation of 40% of the incurred expenses. Equipment acquisition in leasing on favorable terms not only will raise level of technical equipment and mechanization of technological processes, it will allow to make more than qualitative and demanded production.

- How many the regional authorities put in support of agriculture?

- In 2017 on support of agricultural production is sent to Irkutsk region – more than 1,7 billion, from federal – 773,4 million rubles. The question of allocation this year from regional budgets additional 347 million rubles is now considered.
B 2018 the sum allocated from regional budgets for support of agricultural production, will for the first time exceed two billion rubles, it will make 2 billion 53 million rubles.

According to the changes made to a state program Irkutsk region " agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and the food" for 2014 - 2020, resource providing the state program for 2018 is offered to be established Development in the sum of 4 billion 898 million rubles. It both agricultural production support, and steady development rural territories, and ensuring realization of the state functions on management of agro-industrial complex, ensuring activity in the field of veterinary science, creation of conditions for developments gardening, ogorodnichesky and country noncommercial associations of citizens.

- What contribution is made by farms in a regional agricultural product?

- according to management of Federal service of the state registration inventory, from 2012 to 2017 the quantity of farms in Irkutsk region increased by 9,4%. In their 2012 was 3328, in 2013 – 3411, in 2014 – 3506, in 2015 – 3526, in 2016 – 3639. Farmers make 12% of production of agriculture. In nine months of this year they increased production milks by 19,5% (6600 tons), meat of all types – for 7% (39 tons).

of the Power of the region of farmers support. In 2012 - 2017 grants for beginning farmers are allocated to 386 again created chapters of PEASANT FARM HOLDING "ON" the sum more than 559 million rubles. From personal subsidiary farms 304 farms were transformed to the farmer, 355 new workplaces are created.

the Experience got at implementation of the program, allowed the Ministry of Agriculture to undertake together with municipalities the comprehensive program of steady developments rural territories. The special attention was paid to increase in agricultural production and creation of additional workplaces.

C 2012 of 48 farms were received by 454 million rubles on development family livestock farms. 41 family livestock farms are constructed or reconstructed, 165 new workplaces are created, 107 self-propelled agricultural cars, more than 1,5 thousand animals are acquired. Creation of family livestock farms on the terms of joint financing allowed to increase rates of developments animal husbandry, after all this direction provides year-round employment of the population in rural areas and creates prerequisites for increase in volumes of productions meat and milks.

- Not a secret that youth continues to leave the village. How to stop this process?

- to fix young shots in the village, we undertake a number of measures, including we give to young specialists the state support at the expense of means regional budgets. For example, we provide subsidies to agricultural producers for lump sums on arrangement of young specialists. The amount of such payments makes 300 thousand rubles. Means young specialists can spend for acquisition of household appliances, furniture, agricultural animals. In 2017 6,6 million rubles are spent for these purposes - 22 experts received "lifting". Since 2011 single payments were received by 228 young specialists, total amount made 40 million 870 thousand rubles.

Together with the ministry of educations since 2014 we realize actions of the concept of developments a continuous agrobusiness education. Today 30 rural schools from 14 areas successfully work according to this program. In Usolsky district and Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district all educational institutions are put into this operation. At such schools there is an intensive search of effective forms, methods, technologies an agrobusiness education. Everything is more active parents of school students, heads of agricultural enterprises, heads of KFH, representatives of business structures get into gear. They already sign long-term contracts about the cooperation, providing and the financial help to schools.

- What new programs and mechanisms of support plans the ministry in 2018? - Within the <43> Development agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food state program for 2014-2020 next year implementation of the new subprogramme "Development spheres of preparation, processing and sale of food forest resources and herbs to Irkutsk region for 2018 - 2020" begins

. Its purpose – to create favorable conditions for preparation and processing of food forest resources and the herbs providing their rational use and growth of employment of country people.

We plan to provide to

grants in the form of subsidies for development material base for preparation and (or) processing of food forest resources and herbs; to give financial help for research work on formation of complex system of ekologo-economic monitoring food forest resources and herbs. Besides, the ministry will promote advance of production made from food forest resources and herbs on the Russian and foreign markets. It is for this purpose planned to compensate costs of participation in exhibition and fair actions, to subsidize part of expenses for acquisition of the trade equipment.

We understand that without agricultural products processing the markets of area and the abroad will not subdue therefore now we work over the program of processing and sale of production which next year we will submit on public hearings.
For the next years we set a task to strengthen distribution system and processings, to create cooperatives of the second level. The organization of wholesale distribution centers for developments agrologistic infrastructure in the region is planned also. On October 14, 2017 in Bayandai district such object – an interdistrict wholesale distribution center is already open. It is intended for storage, processing and realization of agricultural and food products. Production will be delivered from five areas – Zhigalovsky, Kachugsky, Olkhon, Bayandayevsky and Ekhirit-Bulagatsky that will allow to provide inhabitants of nearby areas, and also the cities Irkutsk and Angarsk with qualitative food and nonfood goods.

- whether Is sense to develop agriculture in northern regions of area (Brotherly, Tayshetsky, Nizhneilimsky)?

- To Irkutsk region to northern Katangsky district belongs, areas , and also Bodaybo, Ust-Ilimsk, Ust-Kut, Bratsk are recognized the districts equated to the region of the Far North Bodaybo district, Bratsk district, Kazachinsko-Lensky district, Kirensk district, Mamsko-Chuysky district, Nizhneilimsky district, Ust-Ilimsk district, Ust-Kut district

B 2017 the total area under crops of grain crops in these territories makes 19485 hectares (4,5%), potatoes – 7567 hectares (19,6%), vegetables - 988 hectares (17%). Last year by all categories of farms in northern areas it is made agriculture production on 5,8 billion rubles - 9% of regional volume. Production there more expensive because of severe climatic conditions, it cannot compete with that make in the south of area. In the conditions of economic instability, a rise in prices for equipment, the equipment, spare parts, mineral fertilizers, elite seeds, fuels and lubricants, forages, transport transportations, etc. the amount of state support does not provide reproduction in these areas.

Nevertheless, it is strategic goods as they directly provide activity and food security living in the north of the population defines level. This factor demands more active participation of the state in preservation and development agriculture in northern areas.

In the first half of the year 2017 municipal authorities bought

of food goods on 869,65 million rubles, including from local producers of agrarian and industrial complex – on 340 million rubles (39,2% of the total amount of purchases). The highest rate on purchase of goods local agricultural producers is noted in Kazachinsko-Lensky district, Kirensk district, Mamsko-Chuysky district and Katangsky district. In Kirensk district, and Katangsky district production was bought by Mamsko-Chuysky district. As main suppliers the enterprises of consumer cooperation and local farmers acted.

B to northern territories from means of regional and federal budgets allocated 2016 181,5 million rubles – 7,3% of the total amount of the funds allocated for agricultural production of area. Ministry Selskoye farms Irkutsk region for these areas annually provides raising coefficient at allocation of subsidies. In 2017 subsidies from regional budgets for northern areas and on development traditional managing and occupation by crafts of the small people (reindeer breeding, fishery, hunting) of 3 million 440 thousand rubles are listed. The ministry considers a question of increase in means of regional state support with application of the raising coefficient 1,6 on all realized actions of the state program. In this case the majority of areas milks and meat could supply the social sphere and the population of the territories with enough of vegetables.

- What changes occur in the organization of preparation of wild plants in the region territory?

- To Irkutsk region the woods occupy more than 80% of the general territory. We concentrated more than 10% of the woods of the country, including valuable coniferous breeds – a pine and a cedar which grow in environmentally friendly areas. In Irkutsk region many demands from businessmen from China, Japan, Mongolia, South Korea on deliveries food products from wild-growing raw materials arrive. There are enterprises which saved up experience in this direction. At tasting competitions at the Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Indian summer – 2017" (Moscow) and Agro-industrial week (Irkutsk) local production from wild plants is awarded the highest awards.

the Ministry developed the program for development preparations, processing and sale of wild-growing food and medicinal raw materials for 2017 - 2020. The document provides support measures for the organizations of all forms of ownership, allowing to update material base of the enterprises and to advance production.

- Why in this direction Irkutsk region so strongly lags behind from Altay and Tomsk region? Whether it is possible to overcome lag?

- I will disagree with this statement. Yes, in 2016 a little more than 780 tons of raw materials are prepared. These are small volumes at available natural resources and human opportunities. However statistically in the most part of regions of the country volumes of preparations are even lower, and in 11 regions wild plants at all do not prepare. Examples for steel Primorsky territory, Tomsk region and Republic of Mordovia. Preparation and processing of food forest resources while are constrained by not settled moments of legal character (The forest code), seasonality of works in branches and a lack of financial resources for developments the enterprises. We take active part in all actions of regional and federal levels which can help the solution of these questions.

- What interesting investment projects are realized in the area territory?

of Such projects a little. For example, in Angarsk district the poultry farm on production two thousand is under construction. tons of meat of a turkey a year, the plant on processing of oils and fats" is under construction "-the separate division of LLC "IRKUTSKY MASLOZHIRKOMBINAT" is engaged in the project. In the village Vvedenshchina Shelekhov district are conducted farm construction on cultivation of mushrooms by company LLC "Baykalekoprodukt". In 2018 a farm it is planned to start, the equipment is now mounted.