As China rigidly returns back fluent corrupt officials

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Photo: of the Photo: Yandeks.Dzen

the Chinese national focused elite accepts the mass of efforts on fight against corruption in the country. Business is not limited to only public executions of the caught stealing officials and businessmen. The country authorities actively conduct search and return to the country of those who ran away from China with injustly sewed capital. Thus, the Chinese intelligence services do not pay attention to the laws existing in the country of residence of thieves. Their purpose to return criminals and money stolen by them.

in 2015 the American authorities as returned of United States of America to Heavenly Empire the Chinese thieves already cease to consider United States of America in quality of "reliable harbor" for themselves and the stolen capitals attended to

to This question. About current situation narrates the American edition American newspaper "The New York Times" .

Trying to change unpleasant for United States of America a tendency Obama's administration warned Beijing about existence in United States of America the Chinese governmental agents who secretly act in the country. They put pressure upon the deserters accused of China in corruption, in attempt to incline them to return home.

the American officials declared that secret agents of law enforcement agencies China to United States of America are part of global campaign Beijing on search and repatriation of the Chinese fugitives and their finance.

the Chinese authorities called

this complex action "Hunting for foxes".

a situation Piquancy that the authorities of United States of America decided to warn official China during intensity increase between Washington D.C. and Beijing on a number of questions: beginning from breaking of computers of government officials and before suppression concern in China civil liberties, and also artificial devaluation of yuan.

Not a secret that intelligence services of United States of America actively work in China, and Chinese - in United States of America, but back on the historical homeland Americans consider frank expression by Chinese of the fluent tribespeople as serious search.

At the same time, authorities of United States of America are compelled to recognize that the operation "Hunting for Foxes" is very popular in China and is supported by local population as is the central element of broad fight of Mr. Xi with corruption.

according to the Ministry of public safety China only for the annual period since 2014-2015 to China was returned to

of more than 930 fluent corrupt officials, from which only 70 (!) arrived home voluntary.


If to trust data of the Chinese mass media of group of agents work not only to United States of America, but also worldwide.

the American officials declared that they have convincing proofs to that getting into United States of America according to tourist and trade visas the Chinese agents violently force fugitives to return, including under the threat safety the remained family members in China.

thus, officials refused to provide concrete proofs of activity of the Chinese agency.

If intelligence services China refused to comment on this situation, the Chinese state mass media willingly represent detailed data on the purposes and progress of operation.

the Head of the operation "Hunting for Foxes" Liu Dongg explained

in 2014 that the Chinese services do not violate the law of those countries where agents work, but the principle is always observed - if there is information on the suspect of a crime, it will be pursued in any country before achievement of the aim.

U China and United States of America are not present contracts about delivery of criminals in this connection, the representative of State Department Mark Toner told that foreign law enforcement agencies are not allowed to work in United States of America without prior notice of the general prosecutor.

thus, the representative of the Ministry of Justice Raymondi Mark frankly declared that United States of America are not a safe shelter for fugitives from any country, having added that if States are going to help China to track down criminals, Beijing has to provide proofs of their guilt to the Ministry of Justice.

At the same time, on a site of the Ministry of public safety China are said that officers have the right to make arrest of criminals worldwide within 48 hours.

Such official statements sent on internal audience, cause concern abroad. It is connected with that the Chinese agents are forbidden to carry out arrests on others earth, including United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as these and some other countries have with China no agreements on delivery of criminals.

However in December, 2014 to Australia caught two Chinese police officers pursuing without the permission of local authorities of the citizen China, accused of bribery in its country. Scandal which as a result did not influence work of the Chinese intelligence services to Australia burst.

the Separate explanation of the principle of the operation "Hunting for Foxes" the head of department of economic crime of Bureau of public safety gave to

in interview to the Xinmin Weekly magazine Shanghai Li Guntszin.

He explained that the fugitive as a flying dragon - it is unimportant that it is abroad, the thread terminates in China and it always can be found through a family of the criminal.

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