On a festival of national unity in Moscow carried by the Kalmyk flag

@RIA Kalmykija
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Representatives of the Kalmyk association "Dzungaria" presented to Republic of Kalmykia on national celebration with the assistance of Permanent mission Republic of Kalmykia at President The Russian Federation.

"Today all country celebrates Day of national unity. We decided to gather and went to a concert "Russian Federation unites" with the Kalmyk flag. In spite of the fact that we live in Moscow, we remember our culture and we are proud, that were born in Republic of Kalmykia. I want all to congratulate on a holiday, to wish a good health and wellbeing. Remember, in unity ‒ our force", ‒ the chairman of the Kalmyk association "Dzungaria" Darzhinov Ubush shared with our correspondent.

we Will remind

, today in all regions pass actions. The festival of national unity is founded by the federal law "About entering into article 1 of the Federal law "About days of military glory (victorious days) Russian Federation", President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Date appeared in memory of events of 1612 when a national militia under leadership Minin Kuzma and Pozharsky Dimitri exempted Moscow from the Polish interventionists. Historically this holiday is connected with the termination of the Time of Troubles in the XVII century.