Sknyatinsky boars: annoying trophy

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During an old time in the Sknyatinsky hunting ground of VOO of the Tverskaya, then Kalinin, areas as the chief the former huntsman of Zavidovsky economy Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich worked. it had no special hunting educations and did not need it. In this person such completeness of knowledge of hunting business, in a word – professor was concentrated!

photo: Syomin Mikhail

of a photo: Semin Mikhail Borisovich

that frosty December night it personally brought me to a spare shooting tower with a podkormochny platform.

the Frost was such strong that in a complete silence of the stiffened wood blows of own heart were clearly audible.

we Arrived with delay, was already dark. The task faced me the serious: to one, without huntsman to shoot a trophy boar billhook. Absolutely darkened, the frost grew stronger, appeared serpik a new moon. And boars everything are not present.

It is visible, we approached so late that animals already were around a tower, but, having been frightened of the car, escaped in the wood far away. Hunger and frost forced them to return. From two parties two families approached to a platform. One straight off ran out to be fed. It was the medium-sized pig with five pigs.

Pushing each other, pigs with squeal rushed on a platform. Mother calmed them and from time to time raised the head, fixedly peering and vnyukhivayas at my party.

At this time the second party of boars span with

on bushes from a reverse side of a tower, but to a platform did not come. Minutes through the twenty first the family went to the wood, and I noticed away from a tower of a big careful animal. Now my attention was concentrated on it.

Suddenly on a platform inconsiderately dropped off three submumps, then poured out eight pigs. One animal was larger, than subpigs. I took it for a sow. Now me the standing apart billhook, and that is the billhook interested only, doubts were not. It is necessary to wait and make an aim shot.

Read a material " About ways of deception of a game "


Visibility disgusting. The new moon shines poorly, besides I froze so that started knocking teeth. The pack of boars, hungry as wolves, rushes on a platform and eats everything. I think that the forage here will end, will scream and will disappear. And that is necessary for me, stands apart and costs. There dangerously to shoot from a shot-gun, it is possible to miss the mark. But here it seems began to move.

Slowly, moving carefully, the animal approached to a platform. Turned round its pivot-center twice, each time highly raising the head and sucking in with noise air. It seemed to me that I even noticed canines.

the Distance was no more than fifty steps. Time hurried, Semin Mikhail Borisovich just about has to approach. And the boar hung the head and started eating a forage. I vytselil to it under a shovel also shot. All live from a platform disappeared. Only month remained the witness of an event.

Ya discharged a gun and tried to warm zadubevshy extremities. Light started gleaming, the rumble of the coming nearer car was heard. Went down from a tower, having closed on the lock a door.

Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich without special inquiries left the car with a lamp and went on a blood trace. There was it quickly and meters through thirty told: "The animal large also is wounded fatally".

A having passed still meters twenty, stopped at a prickly bush of a dogrose and removed from its prickles something white, like that autumn web which flies in days of Indian summer.

– Zaranen not a boar, and a pig, – were told by Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich.

Me, and so frozen, as though obdali a tub of cold water.

– we will Not pursue

, in the morning of the huntsman will gather additionally.

I have more words. Sat down in the UAZ – and on the Central estate. Painfully and bitterly was to wait for a sentence, but anywhere you will not get to. The pig though officially in rules of hunting about a ban on them it was not told is killed.


Read a material " From where to take public grounds? "

However in economy each time when carrying out instructing paid attention what to shoot them it is undesirable. And from purely human motives as it is possible to leave eight pigs for the winter without mother? ! They surely everything will be lost.

was not to me a public rating. But Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich in the subsequent treated me with prokhladtsy, as though tried not to notice.

of a photo: Zhuravkov Anton

Came time to Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich to leave. Naturally, who worked with it and communicated, could not reconcile to such turn of business. They thought that Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich iron and eternal. But time prevailed.

Long tried to dissuade from dismissals, however May – a deadline. Then the management Central VOO asked For suggestions me in May hunting days to try to persuade Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich to work a year more at least during this time to pick up the new person to this position.

Even the license to me on shooting of a black grouse by advance payment wrote out though I had the permit only on a woodcock and a drake. As I tried as reasoned our arguments, but the decision of the huntsman was final. Especially Claudius's wife insisted on dismissal.

Only dismissal at own will and moving to the Zavidovsky area, from where Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich was a sort. Leaving economy, I asked it to forget about that case which told you. But he answered: "I that! Whether the nature will forgive us? "

Read a material " to the Simple hunter less a place in grounds "


the Conclusion it is possible to draw one. In those days a game was enough, and people with whom I hunted, were betrayed to hunting and are responsible before the nature. With professors of the business hunting did not become a problem, and was such what it has to be in modern society. Not mercenary, not acquirable, not humiliating for the hunter.

Favourite habitats of wild boars – the marshy, crude and dense woods, and also remote cane thickets. The forest boar is larger cane and in some cases reaches 300 kg and more.

Such mass of an animal is caused by quality of food: in the woods it is fattened by high-calorific acorns, nuts, mushrooms, roots of a fern and young escapes of wood young growth.

Cane wild pigs mainly eat roots and young escapes of a cane, chilima. And being omnivores, wild boars do not disdain frogs, worms, caterpillars, corpses of animals, fish, broods and layings of birds. Attack the colleagues, willingly pursue and eat small four-footed and their posterity.

Despite clumsy, even an ugly look, they very nimble, fast, with amazing dexterity make the way through the most impassable jungle of the woods and bogs, besides, they perfectly swim.

All this

together with canines, this terrible weapon which they own skillfully, does them by the dangerous opponent. Therefore hunting for them is not always safe. At wound animals fly into such rage that without discrimination crumble everything before itself.

Wild pigs live and go herds, are together protected from enemies. Having guessed or having seen the wolves ready to attack, they are built by a wedge or form a circle, hide pigs in the middle and fearlessly attack the enemy with squeal and grunting.

If the wolf will not jump aside in time or will not escape, in a few minutes will be broken off by to pieces grown furious animals. Mental capacities of wild pigs are at quite high level. They rather stubborn, nevertheless differ big comprehension and ingenuity.

Sharp canines of a boar – the terrible weapon. It them both at attack, and at large predators protection defends the right for life. The boar canines pricks, cuts and sechet with such speed and force that there is no animal who would resist and remained safe under their crushing blows.

of Adult males for this amazing ability to strike mortal blows designate billhooks. At females canines do not grow to such big sizes therefore, defending, a female not sechet the enemy, and bites, tears and tramples down feet.

the Animals living in modern conditions, show special plasticity and fitness to live near the person, often at the expense of fruits of his work. The big role in it was played by ability of wild pigs to avoid meetings with the person, to bypass the traps established to them.

Tishkevich Alexander on November 1, 2017 at 15:34

Zakharov Mikhail Borisovich
Semin Mikhail Borisovich
Zhuravkov Anton
UAZ car
Manufactured by:LLC "UAZ"