Brothers of the cities: with whom Amur region is on friendly terms and with whom already is not present? (Blagoveschensk)
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Portal understood, what advantage of twinning for the cities

the Amur and Crimean Belogorski not so long ago held already the third teleconference - in the form of children's brain ring on the subject "Year of Ecology". And from the moment of official twinning did not pass also half a year. the Status of the twin-city provides development long-term cooperation in the economic and scientific and technical sphere, tourism, municipal management. And also gives some privileges - for example, allows to address in the international organizations for support of joint projects. And if the relations are maintained, there is a constant exchange of cultural, scientific delegations, joint events are held. It is especially important if to consider that at Amur the cities there are a lot of sworn brothers, but at the majority paper reminds Belogorsk

U of the same Belogorsk already were sworn brothers - the district of Nianjian, the city of Suihua and Sypin in China, the Korean city Anson, - but communications with them, and also any advantage of once signed agreements are not present today. We hope, with Crimean Belogorsk will be the true firm friendship.

What today in area a situation with the cities brothers?

gorod Blagoveshchensk

Since 2003 the brotherly relations connect our regional capital with Udalyanchi, from the 2009th - from Heihe. And recently suggested to become brothers European Toulouse (France) and Milan (Italy).


B appeared 2003 the Chinese brother - Xunke city. The agreement assumed cooperation in economy, medicine, education, construction.

- We supported communications, but gradually the relations came to naught, - the mayor noted Raychikhinsk Rodionova Tatyana. - And now there are more than cares about essential therefore of twinning did not think yet.


In the 90th years at Saint Petersburg Amur region was the city brother of Uenetchi, North America. Visited to each other, but today the relations are not maintained any more.

- In principle could conclude the brotherly relations with Moscow noted. - We have identical birthdays. The center of Tynda, for example, is constructed by Muscovites, we have Krasnaya Presnya Street, Arbat, there is Sokolniki.


last year the cooperation agreement were signed by chapters Uglegorsk (nowadays Tsiolkovsky Konstantin) and Kaluga.

- With Kaluga, as well as with the second twin-city Spasskom-Ryazansky, at us much in common thanks to Tsiolkovsky Konstantin. In particular, these cities provided in the museum of the spaceport of East many exhibits, and we in Spassk-Ryazansky - parts of our carrier rocket starting in 2016, - the head BUT Zenina Marina told. - As those agreements are not present, but we in continuous cooperation with gorod Mirny and Baikonur as we have now many inhabitants of these municipalities. Perhaps once also we will fraternize.

do not lag behind in the brotherly feelings and the Amur areas. For example, Belogorsky district County of Haenam intends to conclude the relevant agreement with the South Korean district and to exchange experience in the culture and agriculture sphere.


consisted Earlier in the twinning relations since. Khoum of Province of Heilongjiang, China, but today the agreement lost the force. Shimanovsk is included into Association Siberian and Far East cities and can quite fraternize with one of them - in a priority Nakhodka, Irkutsk, Vladivostok.


To fraternization can pull

not only benefit, but also fellow countrymen.

- there is a desire to conclude the brotherly alliance since Dimitrovgrad Ulyanovsk region where our former compatriot Solovyeva Elvire lives. She is today 95 years old, it the honourable inhabitant of Zeya. We often receive from it letters, we know about this city much, we understand that friendly communications are necessary for us but while documentary brotherly relations did not assure. Probably, we to it will come, - the head of Zeya Matveev Sergei told.

it is competent

the Director of Institute of Confucius of BGPU Kukharenko Nicholas:

- the Advantage of twinning, say, gorod Blagoveshchensk and Heihe, certainly is. As ten quantity of cultural, scientific, sporting events grew for the last years! The proximity of the cities promotes even to interpenetration of cultures. So, in use Chinese use the Russian words, for example "a class! ", and we - a verb "chifanit" from Chinese "are". Inhabitants of the Amur region already at all do not perceive Chinese as foreigners. gorod Blagoveshchensk from time immemorial was gate to Asia. When will build the bridge, commodity turnover will increase even more. And construction of rope roads can lift us from the third place on attendance the Chinese tourists on the first. For example, when planning budgets the twinning gives more grounds to put a certain part of means within the plan of developments the cities, it is easier to achieve federal financing.

it is quite good to

to Fraternize with the Russian cities too. It will not give big bonuses, but the more friends - the better!