Sergei Paramonov: "Heart of national diplomacy fights in Volgograd"

@MK.RU Volgograd
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B Volgograd these minutes passes opening of the international forum "Dialogue on Volga". More than 200 delegates from nine countries became its participants.

As are reported newspaper "Moskovsky komsomolets - Volgograd", INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION "PORODNENNYE GORODA" Sergei Paramonov became the first speakers at a meeting the chairman of the board of the Germano-Rossiysky forum Mathias Plattsek and the executive vice-president.

by words Sergei Paramonov, become more increasing every year than participants of a forum.

– Today to Volgograd there arrived impressive delegation from Nitra (Slovenia) with which we are going to become related. There arrived representatives of United States of America, Germany, despite contradictions between ours to the countries. It is possible to tell with confidence that heart of national diplomacy fights here, in Volgograd, – the vice-president of association at "Dialogue" opening emphasized.

After a ceremonial opening there will take place the first meeting which participants will discuss the international relations during an instability era. Today discussion of the relations Europe and Russian Federation will take place. Participants will address the executive secretary general of the International association of the cities envoys of peace Dushan Stoyanovich (Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia) and the deputy of the Bundestag, the chairman of the party "Left" Ditmar Bartch (Berlin, Germany). The forum will last three days.

we Will remind

, before a forum the governor Volgograd region Andrey Bocharov met the head of the Germano-Rossiysky forum Mattias Plattsek . Volgograd region became a platform of the international forum already for the fourth time, than confirms the status of national diplomacy.