Court jurors found the Spaniard guilty of double murder

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To Spain court jurors recognized Morata Sergio in murder of the Ukrainian migrant and her girlfriend. About it reports to Europa Press .

of AMPLIAMOS | El jurado se ha mostrado en contra del indulto a la suspensión de la condena de Sergio Morate

— Europa Press (@europapress) on October 29, 2017

on August 6, 2015 Sergio Marina Okarinska and her girlfriend Laura of del Oyo were gone in gorod Kuenka. Girls went to Sergio Marina Morata Sergio to take away things. Sergio Marina and Laura found in the river mouth seven days later. The Spaniard put on the international wanted list. After it detained to Romania, in Lugoj.

the Sentence about imprisonment terms court gorod Kuenka will announce

later, specifies agency. Meanwhile prosecutor's office demands to sentence the murderer to payment compensations in 540 thousand euros and to 48 years of prison. Court over the Spaniard began on October 23. His lawyer declared innocence Morata Sergio. After parting with Sergio Marina their relations remained goodhearted, he added. Itself accused questions refused to answer.

It not the first crime of the Spaniard — earlier it kept one more former girlfriend in hostages.

Sergio Marina
Morata Sergio