Revenge for the truth about the Holocaust in Lithuania

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Scandal over the known Lithuanian writer Ruta Vanagayte who is an author sensational in Lithuania books "Our" about participation of locals in destruction of Jews during the Holocaust, led not only to withdrawal of all its books from sale, but also to the decision on utilizatsii

All being in sale in Lithuania books of the writer of the Rue Vanagayte will not be simply withdrawn by


"All my books will be destroyed by

. Are utilized. Reported publishing house" — the writer wrote. Scandal, we will remind, caused Vanagayte's statement about the leader of post-war Lithuanian guerrillas , so-called forest brothers, to Adolfasa Ramanauskase-Vanagasa . Vanagayte called into question his heroic image having declared that in archive found documents on its cooperation with KGB of the USSR and evidence on the colleagues whom as a result arrested. Occasion was that Diet of Republic of Lithuania considers opportunity to declare in Lithuania 2018 year of Ramanauskasa-Vanagas.

at once accused the Writer of lie and, without waiting for the promised proofs, started poisoning. First of all, "professional patriots". The Alma littera publishing house which published Vanagayte's all books in the middle of the day, on October 27, declared that breaks off all relations with Vanagayte, and her books will be withdrawn from sale. Later the similar statement was made by representatives of the largest Lithuanian distribution network of Maxima.

"Here we and with our democracy. Among the most sold books for the last five years mine — about care of elderly people. The book for women, which for 50. The book about the Holocaust. And the last which was started last night. My autobiography. It is such democracy in Lithuania after 27 years of independence" — wrote already in English on the to Social network Facebook Vanagayte, than horrified the English-speaking subscribers, but having provoked army "professional patriots" who filled in comments with statements that supposedly everything is correct, so and it is necessary to you!

So, let's understand that occurred. REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" predicted persecution of the writer before all these events. to Forgive the statement about "the national hero" on whom the today's mythology Lithuania in many respects keeps, it was simply impossible. But such reaction: withdrawal of all books, rupture of all relations, and, at last, utilization. And all in one day. Immediately. Whether only in it the reason?

Is not present! The Lithuanian censorship did not begin this time even to look for a screen (at once we will tell: yes — censorship, it not reaction of private publishing house with hurt feelings, Alma littera receives considerable state grants and these are open data). Instant destruction in one day of the author which was yesterday the most sold in Lithuania, and today — his books utilize. The statement about the leader of guerrillas is not the real reason. It — for the world, for Brussels, for even any organization for protection of the rights and similar.

the Synagogue in Moletai before war

Actually should be understood

costs still. And this episode already the director and the producer managed to make informal display of the documentary film of Israeli Zvi Krizer "Last Sunday of August" which premiere only will take place in 2018, but in Lithuania in September, 2017. Vanagayte in it acted as one of experts and speakers.

I of such details — the volume, big book which now withdraw from sale and utilize. Perhaps in it the real motive? In Lithuania two years waited how to destroy Vanagayte for her truth about the Holocaust. But directly — in any way it is impossible. Israel internationally simply isolates Lithuania at all will not feel, and will not understand, and from where these continuous failures? ! It was necessary to wait for an occasion of another to declare that the book "Our" here not and, motives — absolutely others. And such occasion came. Worthless. Vanagayte did not manage to submit at all documents which reason her statements for the leader of guerrillas, but her destruction at once undertook with passion. With such passion as once exterminated Jews.