Almazbek Atambaev: "We, kyrgyzstanets, we are ready to give life for independence of the country as gave lives our ancestors"

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President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambaev today, on October 27, accepted Credentials from the Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of Belarus, Switzerland, Kingdoms of Netherlands, the Republics Greece, Morocco, Mali, South Africa, Georgia, the Republics Poland, Belgium, Romania and Cyprus.

during the performance Almazbek Atambaev greeted heads of diplomatic missions on the Kyrgyz earth, and congratulated them on the official beginning of their important and responsible mission.

"I am convinced by

that you will help to lift level of the relations between our countries on a new stage. With many of the states presented today noted and we celebrate the 25 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations, and I want you to congratulate once again on this significant date and I believe that our relations from year to year I will get stronger only", - Almazbek Atambaev told.

"You know that for years of independence our country passed very difficult way. It seems to me, it was the way, equal can be even to century. Also there were any tests: both economy disorder, and two revolutions, and victims. But in recent years we achieved the main thing – the world and an international consent of the multinational people Kyrgyzstan", - the President told. - And you know that the Central Electoral Commission while sums up the results, but actually all of us know that already there is a newly elected President Kyrgyzstan to which the peaceful manner as a result of will of the people will delegate the power, the presidency in the country. I consider it one of the most indicative stages in development independent Kyrgyzstan",


"We, the open country, we from anybody do not hide anything. We have very strong civil society. You, probably, and are convinced that all foreign policy of the country is directed on protection of interests of the people Kyrgyzstan. And we always defended and we will defend national interests, to conduct partnership only as equals. Stopped and will stop all attempts of intervention in internal affairs of our state", - Almazbek Atambaev told.

according to the Head of state, now the country are faced by a new stage is the accelerated development economy. Work on preparation and acceptance of National strategy of steady developments till 2040 in which basis democracies, strong civil society and wellbeing of the population will be put development is conducted.

the President Almazbek Atambaev also spoke the latest events in the country. "Unfortunately, the latest events on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border showed that we laid hopes too on Eurasian Economic Union. Certainly, despite of everything, and now, and in the future the strategic partner Kyrgyzstan and the reliable ally was and there will be brotherly Russian Federation. But these events showed that we in economic development should not deceive ourselves and too to hope for Eurasian Economic Union. Because there cannot be reliable an union which depends on a whim of one person", - Almazbek Atambaev told. - Any union he has to submit first of all to contracts and to agreements which are concluded between participants of this union".

In this regard the President noted that charged to the Government to resolve quickly issues with an alternative sales market for agricultural production. "Here especially you should not look for. It is the 32-million market of Uzbekistan and one and a half milliard market China. As for industrial goods, I recommend to businessmen and the Government that from now on industrial goods were shipped to Russian Federation by the railway, sealed-up cars. We had such arrangement with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. It is natural that in the future not was pressure attempts we have to transfer completely CHPP <33> of Bishkek to local, penalty-kechinsky coal. And we already new kotloagregaty adapted in advance for local coal", - Almazbek Atambaev told.

according to the President, the latest events on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border demonstrated also need of urgent design and construction iron are expensive to China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan. Further this road will go on Turkmenistan and to Iran with an exit to the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.

"I will not hide

, in due time the Government was afraid to take the preferential credit on constructions of iron roads because of some deputy demagogues who then set the tone in parliament and shouted that it is impossible to take credits that we have no need to construct alternative roads. Life shows that they were engaged only in populism. For developments economy first of all is necessary roads. Today a situation both in the country, and in parliament absolutely another. I know that the majority of deputies are adjusted to work structurally, for creation, instead of for destruction", - Almazbek Atambaev told. - Now such destroyers are not present. Therefore the Government should work urgently a question of the preferential credit for already created Kyrgyz-Chinese joint venture which is engaged today in research and design of iron roads".

the President Almazbek Atambaev also recommended

to create joint venture, but already with participation both Chinese, and Kyrgyz the parties and the Uzbek enterprise or state agency which recommends brotherly Uzbekistan. "I will tell openly that such arrangement with President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, my friend and the brother Shavkat Mirzieev already is", - Almazbek Atambaev told.

"Should be protected independence. We cannot become the fictitious, banana country. We independent Kyrgyzstan. Some people and fight today for the independence. And the latest events showed us who is who. Who supports the country who the patriot Kyrgyzstan and showed for whom independence an empty phrase. Which is ready to sell both independence, and the country and our people for 30 silver coins", - Almazbek Atambaev told.

"We, kyrgyzstanets, we are ready to give life for independence of the country as gave lives our ancestors. As great Manas" bequeathed to us, - Almazbek Atambaev told.

Addressing to the Ambassador Belarus, the President noted that Kyrgyzstan gives importance Kyrgyz Belarusian to cooperation which thanks to mutual efforts gradually come recently to due level. The head of state noted interaction between the countries in the area of Eurasian Economic Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Collective Security Treaty Organization, The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Concerning the Kyrgyz-Swiss cooperation, the President Almazbek Atambaev thanked the leaders of this country for given help in technical strengthening of electoral process.

the Head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan is interested in development cooperation with the Kingdom of Netherlands, having reminded that Netherlands were the first of the Benelux countries, Kyrgyzstan on December 31, 1991.

the President emphasized that in recent years between Kyrgyzstan and Belgium there were rather kind relations, having reminded of the taken place substantial negotiations with the King Belgium Philip.

the Head of state noted that in the relations with Poland there is a considerable unrealized potential, first of all in the trade and economic sphere that demands activization of joint efforts.

the President Almazbek Atambaev noted importance of giving of dynamics to relationship Kyrgyzstan and Romania, having thanked the Ambassador for the address in the Kyrgyz language.

the Head of state also noted the available potential of cooperation in the relations Kyrgyzstan with Cyprus.

according to the President, Kyrgyzstan gives importance to development warm and friendship with Greece. The head of state noted that kyrgyzy – the ancient people with rich history and culture, at Greeks are eposes "Illiada" and "Odyssey" also as at kyrgyzov there is EPOS "Manas". Importance of use of similarity of cultures for the good of the people of two countries was emphasized.

the President Almazbek Atambaev noted that the first official visit which has taken place in last year of the President Kyrgyzstan to Georgia confirmed readiness Kyrgyzstan to building of friendly bilateral ties. And the parties need to intensify communications and to give dynamics to the relations between the countries.

the Head of state also noted activization of the relations with Morocco, having emphasized need of giving of bigger dynamics to bilateral relationship.

by words Almazbek Atambaev, Kyrgyzstan gives importance to cooperation with South Africa.

the Head of state noted that despite geographical remoteness with Mali, the parties need to look for forms of mutually advantageous work together.

In the conclusion the President Almazbek Atambaev wished

to heads of diplomatic missions of progress in work, and expressed confidence that their work will promote forward development cooperation.

the Head of state assured

that the Government and the Device of the President will give them all necessary support and assistance.



to President of Kyrgyzstan to Almazbek Atambaev were handed over by Credentials the following Heads of foreign diplomatic missions:

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in Kyrgyzstan Strachko Andrey;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Switzerland in Kyrgyzstan Ulman Veronica Martie;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Kyrgyzstan Ian Dirk the Cop;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic Greece in Kyrgyzstan Aleksandros Katranis;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Morocco in Kyrgyzstan Abdelzhalil Saubri;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Mali in Kyrgyzstan to Tiyefing Konata;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador South Africa in Kyrgyzstan Kiytumettsi Siypilo Tandeka Matthews;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Georgia in Kyrgyzstan Abashidze Zurab

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic Poland in Kyrgyzstan Selim Hazbiyevich;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belgium in Kyrgyzstan Alexi de Crombrugkhe;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Romania in Kyrgyzstan Manole Chezar to Armyan;

- the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Cyprus in Kyrgyzstan Markidis Leonidas.