Days off in Nizhny Novgorod: free exhibitions both children's movies, and SP-FEST
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the Last days off of October will present to residents of Nizhny Novgorod the mass of interesting events: if evening of Friday still can be allocated for itself — to descend on hockey or a concert of world famous jazz group, Saturday and Sunday already should be diversified with joint entertainments with children — vacation, after all. And to go together on interesting exhibitions, to circus, at cinema, and even on a joint venture festival.

Friday, 27 oktyabrya

«Torpedo» — "Siberia"

a Series of house matches at the Nizhny Novgorod team develops extremely unsuccessfully: already four games are given to rivals. On a nose a meeting with Novosibirsk club "Siberia" which at present holds the 10th place in the West conference. "Torpedo" has every chance to interrupt a train of defeats — if only everything it developed successfully for our team. We heat for "Torpedo"!

Days off in Nizhny Novgorod: free exhibitions both children's movies, and SP-FEST

Where: The Nizhny Novgorod Sports palace of Labor unions, Gagarin Ave., 2.<"49>"

In how many: 19:00 .

Price: 400–1650 rub.

the Symphonic show "RockestraLive"


— is the young orchestra, in time to prove among listeners of alternative music. Charismatic children come back to Nizhny Novgorod to fill a hall with the drive and the energy of fate which is combining with solemnity and a height of symphonic music. And the program completely differs from that that was played in February. In it legendary and melodious Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Queen, Metallica, AC/DC, and also representatives of a shock wave of the present adjoin: Rammstein, Linkin Park and many others.

Where: MILO CONCERT HALL, Rodionov St., 4.

In how many: 20:00 .

Price: Blak and Yggdrasil

Without pianist and the composer Blaka Christian (Kristian Blak) it is difficult for of 900 rub of

Kristian to imagine culture of Faroe Islands. It — a live legend! On its concerts in Europe crowned persons consider it as honor to get. Concerts of such level even for our million-plus city — a great luck.

Having arrived to live, write, play and work for Faroe Islands in 1974 (our hero a sort from the Danish Fredericia), Christian Blak became the main character in formation of shape of modern Faroese music and culture. He not only the participant of musical projects (Yggdrasil, Spælimenninir, Kvonn) in whom mainly plays a piano and very fancifully sings, but also the author of numerous classical works: from chamber music to symphonies, from operas to the ballet. Christian devotes considerable part of musical searches to also ethnic music, the jazz and even fate.

Where: The culture center "Record", Piskunov St., 11.<"100>"

In how many: 19:00 .

Price: of 500-1000 rub.

Saturday, October 28

the Exhibition "The fashionable fall"

At the Nizhny Novgorod fair began

a specialized exhibition light industry "Fashionable fall". Exhibition for all family submits the most various thematic sections: clothes, footwear, headdresses, fabrics and house textiles, accessories and costume jewelry, an embroidery, products for needlework and many other things.

Days off in Nizhny Novgorod: free exhibitions both children's movies, and SP-FEST

Gde: "The Nizhny Novgorod fair", st. Sovnarkomovskaya, 13, 1 pavilion.

In how many: 10:00–19:00 .

Price: entrance on exhibition the free.

of Fiksiki: Big secret


to All children and adults who are admirers of the informative cartoon serial "Fiksiki", the straight line is expensive to

at cinema: after all "the full meter" with the fallen in love characters, but absolutely new plot comes out! Fiksiki find a way to move on electric wires instantly to repair any device. However the worked not enough invention gets to the mischievous person Fayer that turns around in big problems. Sparks, explosions, the destructions, the enraged equipment — the city on the verge of accident! Than the history will end — we look at movie theaters.

Where: Sinema Park the Seventh sky, Sinema Fantasy Park.

In how many: 10:40, 13:40, 14:35.

Price: from 190 rub of

Blagotvoritelny a film festival BF "Detsky KinoMay"

Attention, dear children and their parents! For the first time in Nizhny Novgorod will pass a charitable film festival BF "Detsky KinoMay" who will present a star landing from actors, directors and public figures. Orlenok, Rekord and Zarnitsa movie theaters, the Nizhny Novgorod regional children's library , the Nizhny Novgorod regional scientific library of a name of V. I. Lenin, the Center of national creativity, Theatre for Young Audience become festival platforms. The ceremonial opening of a festival will take place at the Nizhny Novgorod theater of the young viewer on October 28 at 15:00.

besides, this day in "Record" — at 12:00 the movie "The Private Pioneer", at 13:30 the movie "Private pioneer. Hurrah, vacation! "; in "Eaglet" — at 11:30 the movie "Baikal Vacation 2.0", at 13:00 the movie "The Private Pioneer — 3"; in the culture and cinema Center "Summer lightning" — at 14:30 the movie "Heavenly Camel".

Days off in Nizhny Novgorod: free exhibitions both children's movies, and SP-FEST

Festival will last till November 1 .

the Entrance free by invitations, tickets it is possible to receive free of charge in venues of actions.

Sunday, 29 oktyabrya


U fans of joint purchases holiday: "the most family event of fall" — festaval SP-FEST.2. The quest, the show program, fascinating master classes and interesting games for children and adults, tastings, show-rooms, and also draws of prizes and gifts are promised the audience. And those who is yet familiar with the joint venture, can visit wholesale fair which will help to buy necessary in one place and not to undermine the family budget. And right there — consultation how to save, acquiring goods on "Joint purchase".

So even if you dislike joint purchases — should descend at least for the sake of entertainments. And if you the constant participant of the joint venture — that the straight line is expensive to you for a holiday to get acquainted closer with organizers and cheerfully to spend time in companies adherents.

Where: car center "New Hera", Sormovskoye Highway, 20a, to. 1, 2 floor.

In how many: 11:00–17:00

Price: 200–250 rub of

Fotovystavka Akhadov Georgy "Allegory"

Akhadov Georgy — the talented photographer, the author of conceptual photoprojects, the student of the Russian and international photographic competitions, the pictorialist of theatrical premieres, the member of Soyuz fotokhudozhnikov Russian Federation, the author and the participant of numerous photoprojects. The participant and the prize-winner of the international, all-Union, Russian, city photo exhibitions, festivals and competitions, the teacher of "The Nizhny Novgorod photoschool" at Russian Museum of Photography. Behind his shoulders seven personal exhibitions (Russian Federation, Germany, Finland). And still, according to friends and acquaintances, Akhadov Georgy simply good person.

Days off in Nizhny Novgorod: free exhibitions both children's movies, and SP-FEST

Gde: Culture center "Record", Piskunov St., 11, 2 floor of a rotunda.

In how many: 17:00 .

Price: entrance free.

the Chamber orchestra "Soloists of Nizhny Veliky Novgorod"

the Chamber orchestra "Soloists of Nizhny Veliky Novgorod" offers br selection of favourite compositions in the Meeting with the Friend program. Bewitching, masterly execution of music gets into the heart! For old and new friends the mix of classical delicacies will sound:

— Mendelson F. the Symphony for string No. 10;

— the Item. Uorlok the Suite "Capriole" for a chamber orchestra;

— Dyuran Kh. the Divertissement for string;

— Peletsis G. "A meeting with the friend" for a violin with an orchestra;

— Dunaevsky I. the Imagination on subjects from to / f "Circus" for a violin with an orchestra.

Where: Recreation center of S. Ordzhonikidze, ul Chaadayeva, 17.<"264>"

In how many: 17:00 .

Price: 200–600 rub

A where you will go?

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  • of "Torpedo" — "Siberia"
  • the Symphonic show "RockestraLive"
  • Christian Blak and Yggdrasil
  • the Exhibition "Fashionable fall"
  • Fiksiki's
  • : Big secret
  • the Charitable film festival BF "Detsky KinoMay"
  • of "SP-FEST"
  • Georgy Akhadov's Photo exhibition "Allegory"
  • the Chamber orchestra "Soloists of Nizhny Veliky Novgorod"
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